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Have Georgi Rusev and Darcey Silva split after only two months of marriage?

Back in November, we reported that Darcey Silva had married Georgi Rusev in a surprisingly hush-hush ceremony.

For three years, their on-and-off relationship kept viewers guessing. But it seemed like they’d beaten the odds.

Until now, that is. These days, Darcey and Georgi appear to be living separate lives.

Georgi Rusev and Darcey Silva argue.
Things get heated for Georgi Rusev and Darcey Silva. (Image Credit: TLC)

Last year, Darcey Silva and Georgi Rusev married

In November, we reported that Darcey had paused posting overly filtered pics for just long enough to marry the latest “love of her life,” Georgi Rusev.

Darcey didn’t hype up the nuptials ahead of time. At least, not directly.

The ceremony took place in her home state of Connecticut. Darcey confirmed the wedding in short order.

Georgi Rusev tells the confessional camera: "She wasn't happy for engagement anymore."
Darcey & Stacey viewers have seen Georgi Rusev discuss his fiancee’s issues with the engagement. (Image Credit: TLC)

Where has Darcey Silva gone?

Since the wedding, Darcey has gone as close to radio silent as someone like that can become on social media.

Don’t get us wrong — she’s still on Instagram.

But it is all so much less personal than, say, the days when she and Jesse Meester were having ugly, public fights in comments. And there’s more.

Darcey Silva faces the confessional camera.
Did you know that Darcey Silva has faced multiple trust issues in relationships? She has. (Image Credit: TLC)

The last time that Georgi Rusev appeared in one of Darcey’s Instagram posts was nearly a month ago.

On January 3, Darcey shared a video of herself and Georgi on the cover of People.

Darcey didn’t make much of a comment beyond thanking followers for “all the love” and tagging her wedding day beauty squad.

Georgi Rusev tells Darcey Silva: "I don't have my daddy to support me."
At times, viewers of Darcey & Stacey came to believe that Georgi Rusev resented Darcey Silva and her twin for the circumstances of their birth. (Image Credit: TLC)

More recently, Darcey shared an apparent throwback photo to her Instagram Story on Wednesday, January 31.

The pic of the Silva twin and her husband was not a fond memory of emotional post or an attempt at a thirst trap.

Instead, it was an ad for people to order Cameos. Ostensibly, fans could order one of these personalized videos from her and from Georgi.

Darcey Silva sits on a chair with 1970s electric lime vibes.
On Darcey & Stacey, titular twin Darcey Silva discusses relationship woes. (Image Credit: TLC)

Darcey and Georgi have had similar posting habits this year

Like Darcey, Georgi hasn’t shared any posts of his spouse to his Instagram gallery since January 3.

That January 3 post was the same for him — a seemingly obligatory shoutout over their November wedding.

Since then, both Darcey and Georgi have posted plenty of glimpses into their lives … with no spouse in sight.

Georgi Rusev faces the confessional camera.
On Darcey & Stacey, Georgi Rusev faces the confessional camera. (Image Credit: TLC)

Fans believe that Darcey Silva and Georgi Rusev have split

There could be multiple explanations for Darcey and Georgi not showcasing each other on social media.

After all, Darcey & Stacey exists.

Maybe TLC is holding them both to their contrasts — and discouraging them from showing off married life. They can confirm that they married, but that’s it (for now).

Darcey Silva looks to the side during a confessional segment.
During this confessional moment, Darcey Silva discussed past relationships. Viewers are familiar with these painful memories. (Image Credit: TLC)

Meanwhile, many fans believe that contracts are the only things preventing Darcey and Georgi from confirming a split.

Yes, they only married two months (and some change) ago. But they’ve had years of drama and theatrics — more than most people have in their entire lives.

To put it another way: even if Darcey and Georgi haven’t split, most fans don’t expect the marriage to last. Everyone is just waiting for the inevitable news.