Fans worry about Jessica Simpson and her marriage. Is everything alright?
Jessica Simpson is an actress and a singer and a mom. She was the symbol of “sexy virginity.” She once had an affair with a married movie star.
But can she securely add happily married woman to the resume?
She recently set off alarm bells by signaling that her marriage to Eric Johnson had gone sour. But according to new reports, the pair are trying their best to make their marriage work.

Is Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson’s marriage in trouble?
For weeks — just ahead of Valentine’s Day, no less — Jessica Simpson made sure that her fans and Instagram followers saw photo after photo of her without her wedding band.
An inside source explains Jessica Simpson’s ringless photos to Life & Style, saying that “When Jessica and Eric are fighting, the ring comes off.”
According to the insider: “It makes her feel like a fraud wearing her ring if they’re not getting along.”

However, despite the weeks — if not months — of marital troubles, Jessica and Eric still went out for a Valentine’s Day meal in February.
“Issues come up — just this year they’ve gone through ups and downs and faced challenges — but they’re both dedicated to the relationship,” the source affirmed.
“Jessica and Eric say couples counseling has really saved their marriage and taught them invaluable life lessons,” the insider added. “Even when times are tough, they know to still make each other a priority — which is why Eric insisted on their Valentine’s Day dinner.”

What is the issue in Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson’s marriage?
According to the report, money is an issue. The recently used their $11.5 million Hidden Hills mansion as collateral to buy back Simpson’s fashion label.
Relatedly, Simpson has been extremely busy. She herself has confirmed that she’s dividing her time between Los Angeles, where her husband and three children live, and Nashville, where she is working on new music.
Obviously, many of us are excited at the prospect of new Simpson tunes. But we’re sure that Eric Johnson and their kids, Maxi, Ace, and Birdie, all miss her while she’s away.

Two weeks in Los Angeles and two weeks in Nashville could put a strain on any family. But the hope is that it will ultimately pay off, and not just in album sales.
“Eric knows making music again has given Jess a renewed happiness,” the insider detailed.
“Sure, there are days he resents doing the heavylifting when it comes to parenting,” the source added. “But he realizes this time will pass and sets up weekend trips to Nashville with the kids to break things up a little.”

Both Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson are finding ways to keep the romance alive
“Date nights are a must for Jessica and Eric,” the insider characterized.
“They may seem like small gestures,” the source acknowledged, “but having alone time with each other makes a world of difference.”
Well that is true for almost any relationship. We of course wish their entire family both luck and happiness.