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We’re not sure if he deserves it or not, but the polarizing Ronnie Ortiz-Magro just received some good news about his future.

And, in the process, we received a few answers to some of our most pressing questions surrounding the Jersey Shore star.

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Will he go to jail for domestic violence? Will he lose custody of daughter Ariana? Will be be fired by MTV?

Based on the way the legal process has played out at this stage, our educated guesses to these inquiries are:

No, no, and almost definitely not.

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Law enforcement insiders confirmed to TMZ late Wednesday that Ronnie will not be charged with any felonies after his October 4 arrest.

According to this update on the situation, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office kicked Ronnie’s case down to the City Attorney.

Why is this significant?

(UPDATE: Ronnie has been charged with five misdemeanors.)

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Because only the District Attorney’s Office can charge someone with a felony, meaning Rahn is likely breathing a sight of relief.

The strongest determination the City Attorney can make is to charge Ronnie with a misdemeanor, which is a lot less terrible.

Ronnie likely won’t go to jail over a misdemeanor and we can’t imagine he loses custody of Ariana over it, at least not for good.

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Now, could MTV nevertheless decide that it wants to cut ties with such a seemingly violent, unstable and frankly dangerous person?

Absolutely. His day in court and the decision of the D.A.’s office has nothing to do with what a private business decides to do.

We’re just gonna be cynical and assume the network chooses to keep around someone that garners his show such attention.

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Earlier this week, authorities also decreed that Ronnie would not be hit with a kidnapping charge for his alleged actions this month.

The veteran reality star wasn’t simply taken into custody early on that morning by members of the Los Angeles Police Department.

He was immobilized by a taser … after the cops knocked down the door of the house he had been renting with Jen Harley (above).

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Because he refused to cooperate with police trying to resolve the matter, officers had no choice but to subdue him by force. Unreal.

This incident took place after Ronnie reportedly snorted cocaine and chased after Harley following an argument between the couple.

He is said to have threatened her with a knife, grabbed his daughter out of her arms and locked himself inside the residence.

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By all accounts, it was a wild and frightening scene.

Surveillance footage later captured Jen with Ariana in her arms, evidently looking for a place to hide the toddler from her coked-up dad.

However, sources close to Ronnie have maintained that Harley was actually the one who was drunk and placing Ariana in harm’s way.

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According to this version of events, Ortiz-Magro was simply looking to keep his child safe and was not "kidnapping" her in any way.

Is this totally unreasonable, based on the couple’s history – and Harley’s own past of having been arrested for domestic violence?

No. Really, anything is possible when it comes to these two. Which is why we pray they really are broken up for good this time.

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It’s pretty messed up, though, to hear people like effing Snooki blame Jen and accuse her of "showing off" her injuries for attention.

Yes, that actually happened.

And for the record, the City Attorney could still file a misdemeanor domestic violence charge against Ronnie. The case is not closed.

Also, this. Just saying: