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For Kody Brown?

Time does not heal all wounds.

Speaking this week to The Sun, a close friend of Robyn Brown’s — named Kendra Pollard — opened up about the state of Kody’s mental state these days in the wake of seeing his polygamous lifestyle totally and completely upended.

Kody Brown confronts a former sister wife in this photo, and isn’t happy about it. (TLC)

As you likely know by now, Christine Brown dumped Kody in November 2021.

About a year later, Janelle did the same, following a couple of ugly fights with her spiritual spouse that have been documented on Season 18 of Sister Wives.

Then, in January of this year, Meri and Kody announced they had terminated their marriage.

We’re guessing Kody isn’t too broken up over this latter development, considering he stopped seeing Meri in any romantic sense a very long time ago… but when it comes to those first two break-ups?

WTH is going on? That seems to be what Kody Brown is thinking in this scene. (TLC)

“Kody is enraged. He’s broken and enraged,” Kendra claimed in this discussion with The Sun, adding:

“He gave his whole life to those women. It doesn’t matter how or when [their spiritual marriages] started.

“He gave his life to them, he raised those children with them, and now they’re all turning against him and saying that none of it was real.”

As any loyal TLC viewer knows well, Christine and Janelle would STRONGLY disagree with this assessment.

Kody Brown appears to be both sad and confused in this photo from a Sister Wives episode. (TLC)

On numerous occasions, Christine has said the fact that Kody has been an awful father to their six kids contributed a great deal to her decision to walk away.

Janelle, meanwhile, watched last year as Kody fell out of contact with two of their sons due to his very, very strict COVID-19 protocols

More recently, viewers watched in disgust as Kody ignored the birthday of his daughter… and then also ignored her on Christmas, as well.

So we’re not really sure what Kendra’s point is here.

There’s not a lot of evidence that Kody gave very much of his life at all to his spouses or his children.

Kody Brown has an odd look on his face in this look at the former polygamist on Sister Wives Season 18. (TLC)

On multiple occasions this season, Kody has brought up Christine and her dumping of him.

Talking to The Sun, Kendra made it evident that this split still impact the loser in a major way — and, therefore, it also impacts the only relationship he has left.

“It’s absolutely affecting their marriage,” Kendra says of Kody and Robyn.

“It’s impossible to live a joyful loving life when you’ve been hurt so badly by people you gave your whole life to.

“If anyone thinks that Kody and Robyn are sitting back, relaxing and happy in their big house by themselves after a lifetime of family offerings, everyone’s sadly mistaken.”

Robyn Brown looks quite unhappy in this photo, doesn’t she? It’s from Sister Wives Season 18. (TLC)

In conclusion, as you might expect, Kendra defends Robyn a whole lot in this piece.

“Robyn wants Kody to find his joy again, however way that is, after losing his family,” she tells The Sun.

“Unfortunately, he has been so burned and betrayed by these women, so that would be the only thing holding him back.

“I mean, how do you ever move on from that when the three women you gave your life to literally burned you?”

