Last year, Francia Raisa publicly parted ways with Selena Gomez. This wasn’t your everyday trouble between former friends, either.
Several years ago, Francia donated her kidney to Selena amidst the star’s ongoing battle with lupus. This compounds the tragedy of their falling out.
And according to Francia’s father, it’s also directly related to their tension. Wait, what?
He claims that Selena refused to stop drinking alcohol after her transplant, and that this tore the fast friends asunder. Is that true?

Just to briefly recap, Selena Gomez has lupus. This autoimmune disorder causes her immune system to attack her own body as if it were, say, a virus or foreign bacteria.
She has had to undergo agonizing treatments, including chemotherapy, to stay alive.
Amidst all of this, she had to undergo a kidney transplant in 2017. Francia Raisa, at the time an inseparable friend, donated hers. Well, you know, one of them.

However, in recent years, the world has seen clear signs of the growing distance between them.
Some friends are forever. Others come and go. And it can be hard to tell one from the other until you reach a rough patch.
Late last year, Francia unfollowed Selena on Instagram, a very public show of displeasure towards the Queen of Instagram after Selena’s comments about having few friends in the entertainment industry.

Francia’s father is a Spanish radio host who goes by the handle “El Cucuy.”
(El cucuy is a bogeyman figure in Spain and Portugal and in places in the world that speak those languages)
Well, El Cucuy (Francia’s dad, not the phantasmal terror that abducts naughty children) went on a Spanish news program, Primer Impacto, several months ago.

El Cucuy (whose real name is Renan Almendarez Coello) responded to a question about why Selena Gomez: My Mind & Me didn’t seem to include Francia at all, despite following Selena for years.
His response was that it wasn’t a secret. He blamed the normal course of events that go down with love, money, and fame.
Specifically? He alleged that this daughter clashed with her ex-bestie over Selena drinking alcohol.

According to El Cucuy, Francia told her that she didn’t give her a kidney for her to turn around and go out drinking. And things turned bitter from there.
(While the primary victim of alcohol is the liver, excessive alcohol consumption can interfere with certain kidney functions)
That sounds like a very complex discussion — about friendship, about organ donation, and more. Like, an organ donor doesn’t get to dictate how the recipient lives their life. But what likely started from a place of concern spiraled into something bitter.

Meanwhile, Francia has been dodging questions about her falling out with Selena. Maybe she wanted to be respectful, or maybe it was something else.
She has also accused Selena stans of bullying her, which is notably something that Selena strongly opposes.
It’s sad that their friendship came to an end.