Tori Roloff is so very close to becoming a mother for the second time.
She’s due to give birth next month, you guys.
How exciting, right?!?
So then… why is the Little People, Big World star actually feeling so down at the moment?
The veteran reality star, who has been very open in regard to the challenges of this latest pregnancy, took to Instagram on Monday and opened up once again.
She explained why she’s thrilled, of course, that she’s so close to meeting her impending daughter.
But, well…
"The last few days have really been a struggle for me. This last stage of pregnancy has hit me hard. I get so frustrated not being able to do things on my own," she wrote to open a caption to the gorgeous photo below.
What does she mean, exactly? Tori continued as follows:
"I carried 6 towels up the stairs this morning to do some laundry and have been winded ever since. I’ve never been good at asking for help and these days that’s all I ever do."
Tori is carrying an actual human being inside of her womb.
We’re pretty sure she’s doing plenty of work these days, but we’re also pretty sure millions of women around the world can relate to her right now.
Concluded Roloff in this message:
I know this is a time to be selfish and slow down but it’s so hard to sit around while my husband works and my 2 year old wants attention. I constantly feel serious FOMO.
I know it’s all worth it and I’m doing such an important job but I can’t wait to tie my shoes on my own again.
So very relatable, right? It must be difficult for young Jackson to understand that his mother just can’t be there for him in all the typical ways at the moment.
Tori and Zach are due to welcome a girl right around Thanksgiving.
Just over a month later, Audrey and Jeremy Roloff will welcome a boy.
And then some time after that, Amy Roloff will marry Chris Marek!
Indeed, it’s a time for some major milestones for this family and we’re just appreciative that they let us celebrate along with them.
Tori, meanwhile, continues to earn our admiration for her honesty.
Two months after her pregnancy announcement, the TLC star admitted opened up about how self-conscious she was feeling.
“I’m not sick (anymore) and I haven’t had any complications (thank the Lord),” she wrote on social media at the time.
Roloff then added:
“However, I have had a harder time accepting my body this go around. I’ve gotten bigger a lot faster than I did with Jackson and I’ve become a lot more insecure…
"It’s been hard to really enjoy this pregnancy because I’ve let my own body image issues get in the way. Us as women are so badass. Like we can grow babies.
"And I know I need to give this up to God right and be thankful for this gift, and I’m trying, trust me.”
Hang in there, Tori. We all love you!