We all saw Andrei’s explosive anger towards Elizabeth’s brother on 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?
Now, we see her sit down with her dad and brother … as her brother vows to not back down.

In this incendiary clip from the upcoming Sunday, August 16 episode, Libby has to chat with her family.
As you can see, she has gone to visit her dad, Chuck, and her brother, Charlie, where they are staying in Moldova.
While Chuck is pretty chill, as always, Charlie is still raring to go after the almost-fight with Andrei the night before.

"Where’s your bum husband at?" Charlie asks aggressively.
His anger is not directed at his sister, but at her "bum husband."
"What’s his deal?" he asks.

We then see Chuck speaking to the camera, his visible breath a reminder that this was all filmed many months ago.
"Andrei’s been in the United States for over two years," he observes.
Chuck remarks: "And I’ve never seen him disrespect me and my family like he has since we’ve been here in Moldova."

"Maybe it’s because he’s over here, he feels emboldened to act like that," Chuck speculates.
He adds: "Or maybe this is really who he is."
"But," Chuck expresses, "I don’t like it."

"I don’t know what got into him," Elizabeth admits.
As viewers may recall, she spent a considerable amount of time trying to calm down Andrei, with minimal success.
"But I mean," she adds, "I will give him the benefit of the doubt."

Elizabeth says that she is giving Andrei some leeway "because it does take two to tango."
"And," she points out, "you both were cussing at each other."
"You both said ‘F you!’ and I think that’s what really offset him," Elizabeth explains.

"Right’s right and wrong’s wrong," Chuck calmly responds, sticking up for his son.
"Charlie is not going to back down," he reasons, "and he’s going to tell him exactly how he feels."
While he’s right that Charlie is not backing off, it’s unclear if he realizes how hot-headed his son is being.

"Dude, you don’t talk to me like that," Charlie expresses to the camera.
"If you want to get physical, that’s fine," he threatens. "I’m not scared of you."
"All these people in Moldova might be scared of you," Charlie suggests, "but I’m not."

Elizabeth explains — or tries to — that Andrei doesn’t like his intrusive questions … but even she admits that this is unusual.
"He’s always been an open book," she protests.
Elizabeth adds: "He’s never hidden anything from me." But is this the first time that Andrei has been asked the right questions?

Honestly, a lot of this particular conflict has seemed like Charlie doing his sister a solid by giving her an extra bit of conflict in her storyline.
Whether it was Charlie’s idea or the producers cooked it up, we don’t know, but it’s certainly paying dividends.
But at this point, 90 Day Fiance fans who haven’t written off Andrei altogether for being a total pain would actually llike to know the answers to all of Charlie’s questions.