Kody Brown needed a guys’ night out on the latest episode of Sister Wives.
This is what happens, we suppose, when you get called out for all of your BS by one of your frustrated spouses.
(Editor’s note: Way to go, Janelle!)
As you might have expected, Robyn Brown said on air that she “always encourage[s] Kody to have his guy time,” while Janelle hearkened back to Kody’s constant nights on the town with friends.

“We used to call it Testosterone Tuesday,” she said with a laugh in a confessional on Sunday, September 3… noting that Kody hung out with the fellas “fairly regularly” when the family was residing in Utah.
Cut to Kody on a sofa with three of his buddies, talking about his relationship ups and downs.
“Polygamy, literally, could be a gift where it dilutes personalities,” he explains in very condescending fashion.
“But if I’m married to this woman and she’s really cantankerous and I don’t enjoy her — but I can’t leave — it’d be nice to have another wife ’cause then I can get away from her for a little bit.”
Could any sentence better sum up Kody Brown?!?
What a sexist buffoon.

Later in the episode, Kody acknowledges that plural marriage benefits all parties involved.
“If I’m the one that’s cantankerous, she’s thinking, ‘It’d be nice if you had another wife so I can get a break from you,’” he noted.
Or, you know, it would be nice if both halves of a couple learned how to deal with the other in a reasonable and fair manner and if the solution wasn’t simply for the husband to seek out another partner.
Crazy concept, right?!?

Janelle actually seemed to agree with this analysis, saying Kody “hit it on the nose,” but Meri had a far better take on her spouse’s ridiculous view of the world.
“That kind of comment just makes me want to vomit,” she said to the camera.
“Maybe you should look at the whole big picture then in a situation like that and figure out how you can work together and be together instead of using somebody else as an escape.
“Are you kidding me?”

Meri Brown for ALL the wins, you guys!
We really do hope she’s moving on with her life these days, as previously hinted as on social media.
On this latest episode, the topic eventually turned to Christine Brown — who smartly bid Kody farewell in November 2021 — and her adventures as a single woman.
“I feel betrayed, no doubt,” Kody said in a confessional.
“But I’m also like, ‘Have a good life.’ I mean, what can I do? I’m not gonna be bothered when another guy is in her life … I don’t think.”

This installment was filmed over a year ago, we believe.
Since then, Christine has gone ahead and gotten engaged to David Woolley.
We’d stop to wonder how Kody really feels about this development, but you know what?
We don’t actually care at all.