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Alex Rodriguez and Jose Canseco are both long retired from the world of professional baseball.

But it seems the former MLB colleagues and fellow HGH enthusiasts still have a (possibly ‘roid-fueled) score to settle.

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Last week, fans rejoiced in the news that Rodriguez had gotten engaged to Jennifer Lopez.

On Sunday, Canseco was relaxing at home, when he reached the decision to try and destroy that relationship and then challenge one of the world’s most famous athletes to a fight.

Needless to say, Jose Canseco’s idea of relaxing at home is probably very different from yours.

“Watching World of Dance watching J.Lo text Alex Rodriguez little does she know that he is cheating on her with my ex-wife Jessica poor girl she has no idea who he really is,” Canseco tweeted.

“I was there a few months back with her when he called her on her phone.”

As if the situation weren’t bonkers enough already, Canseco wrapped up his rant by revealing that he wants to pummel A-Rod into the mat as Joe Rogan offers commentary:

“Alex Rodriguez I challenge you to a boxing match or an MMA match anytime you want,” Canseco wrote.

At this point, we feel it’s important to remind you that Jose is 54 years old.

That’s not to say, necessarily, that he would lose a fight against Rodriguez.

We’re just pointing out that dude is still spending his weekends stirring up Twitter beef several years past the half-century mark.

Of course, Canseco has a long history of batsh-t behavior.

Some of it is amusing to look back on, like the time he got pulled over by police with his pet goat in the car.

Much of it is not even remotely humorous, such as the time Canseco taunted his rape accuser on social media.

Alex Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez Together

Canseco is twice divorced, and the tweet seems to refer to his second wife, reality star Jessica Canseco.

Rodriguez has yet to respond to Canseco’s allegations, which is probably a good thing for his sanity, but a bad thing for those who were hoping to see two of baseball’s biggest names duke it out in the ring.

Of course, if there’s any truth to Canseco’s claims, A-Rod might be dodging jabs and right hooks from J-Lo as we speak.

Best of luck, Alex! She’s still Jenny from the block!