Pax Jolie-Pitt is clearly a bright young man who has a bright future ahead of him — despite his father, Brad Pitt.
As Brad Pitt continues to lash out at Angela Jolie through legal channels, somehow many people have forgotten about the kids.
Famously, Maddox wants nothing to do with his dad. Until now, most didn’t know that Pax, who will turn 20 later this month, feels the same way.
In a passionate rant, he described his “despicable” father as a “world class asshole.” The best part? He initially penned this rant on Father’s Day.

Pax, you’re doing amazing sweetie!
Right now, we’re just days away from his twentieth birthday.
He is the second-eldest of the children whom Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt adopted during their erstwhile, ill-fated romance.

However, on Monday, The Daily Mail revealed something of a blast from the past: a well-written and scathing “Father’s Day” post that Pax once made about his own father, Brad Pitt. Good for him!
Now, this message is from 2020 — on Father’s Day, of course.
It’s from Pax’s private Instagram. He was also only 16 at the time. Both of those make this complex to discuss. But while we did not expose his message from that time, he’s an adult now and it’s out there. So let’s take a look.

An inside source explained that Pax’s private Instagram account is what “he uses for friends — friends from school, mostly.”
The insider explained: “He never says much about his parents, keeps himself to himself, so that was unusual.”
It is extremely common for celebrities to have private social media. And celebrity kids often do something similar, where they have a small corner of the internet where they can ignore their parents’ fame and just engage with friends.

“Happy Father’s Day to this world class a–hole!!” Pax began the Father’s Day 2020 message on his private Instagram.
“You time and time again,” he observed, “prove yourself to be a terrible and despicable person.”
Pax accused: “You have no consideration or empathy toward your 4 youngest children who tremble in fear when in your presence.”

Pax also wrote that Pitt “never understand the damage” that he had inflicted upon the family because he is simply “incapable of doing so.”
He described: “You have made the lives of those closest to me a constant hell.” He is likely referring to his siblings and to their mother, whose reputation suffered for her efforts to protect her kids.
“You may tell yourself and the world whatever you want,” Pax suggested, “but the truth will come to light someday.”

“So, Happy Father’s Day, you f–king awful human being!!!” Pax concluded.
I’d write “they should put that on a card,” but people would think that I’m being sarcastic. I’m not.
Pax is far from the only person who feel such sentiments — but most awful dads do not have decades of fame and a world-class PR machine to boost their image. Or to run smear campaigns against their ex who does everything that she can to shield her children.

It is important to remember that no matter how compelling or handsome an actor, someone’s skill at work does not define their character. Or their qualities as a parent.
Right now, two of Brad Pitt’s adult children has made it clear that they want nothing to do with him.
One wonders what else one even has to say. How can years of acting success compare to such a colossal, unforgivable failure as a father?