Jenelle Evans was back in court this week.
Obviously, that’s a sentence we’ve written quite a few times over the years.
In fact, at this point, Jenelle should probably have a dedicated parking lot at the county courthouse.
But this time, neither Jenelle nor her husband, David Eason, were facing any sort of criminal charges.
Even so, it was a day of high drama for the Eason clan!
And as usual, Jenelle couldn’t wait to air her dirty laundry on social media!
(Cue the countdown to her inevitable, self-pitying tirade about her lack of privacy.)
As we previously reported, Jenelle filed for a restraining order against her mother, Barbara Evans.
Usually, that sort of legal action is reserved for situations in which one family member feels endangered by another one.
But Jenelle filed her petition simply because she was angry about her mom’s comments to the media.
You see, Jenelle’s son, Jace, has been running away from home a lot, and not surprisingly, Barbara is concerned about the boy’s home life.
After all, she raised the kid since from infancy until earlier this year, when Jenelle finally regained custody.
Since then, Jace has fled home three times (that we know of), and Barbara expressed some concerns during an interview with TMZ.
This led Jenelle to file for a restraining order, alleging that Barbara was a threat to her mental health.
On Thursday, the dueling Evans family was back in court for their second hearing on this matter, and not surprisingly, the judge rejected Jenelle’s petition.
It turns out it’s really tough to convince the court that you feel bodily threatened by a 70-year-old woman, simply because she expressed concern for your son.
Anyway, Jenelle hasn’t commented on the situation directly, but she has taken to social media to passive-aggressively gripe about “toxic” parents.
“I have to keep telling myself, its okay if you cut off family if they are toxic. Thanks for the insight #MamaTot,” Jenelle wrote in the caption of a Facebook post from content creator Mama Tot.
“#ToxicParents Today is hard on me,” Evans continued, according to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup.
“I cut her off from me… from my personal life, but not from Jace.”
In a recent interview with TMZ, Jenelle blasted Barbara as a liar and insisted that her mom has no idea what she’s talking about.
“Barbara doesn’t have any idea what is going on inside my home,” Jenelle told the outlet.
“Jace had a therapist appointment today on Zoom at 10:30 am. She hasn’t even attempted to speak to Jace directly.”
Jace has run away at least once more since Jenelle made those comments, so maybe she doesn’t know what’s going on in her home either!
Whatever the case, there’s no restraining order in Babs’ future, so we guess Jenelle will have to deal with her meddlesome mom on her own!