Very soon, viewers will watch Natalie Mordovtseva return to 90 Day: The Single Life.
The trailer teased Natalie’s ups and downs of dating again, including apparently feeling used and misled by a man.
But the teaser also showed Natalie spend time with her ex, Mike Youngquist.
Now, she is tormenting 90 Day Fiance fans. Is she back with Mike?
You gotta hand it to Natalie Mordovtseva on this one — she knows how to tease fans about an upcoming season.
First, Natalie posted about Independence Day in Ukraine.
Given Russia’s brutal invasion and attempts at genocide against the Ukrainian people, it is a somber thing to contemplate this year.
“Please wish my Ukraine to have her freedom,” Natalie wrote. “Not only in Wikipedia pages. SLAVA UKRAINI.”
We all hope for that.
Natalie then addressed that it was seven years ago when she first responded to a message from Mike Youngquist.
“Today 7 years ago I had responded to this guy,” Natalie wrote alongside a throwback of her and Mike.
“‘Thank you for your good wishes to my country!'” she recalled telling him.
“And,” Natalie continued, “it had changed my life forever.”
As we know, Mike and Natalie connected through friends.
This led to Mike traveling to Ukraine on an earlier season to spend time with Natalie.
Memorably, she threw the ring back at him. It broke his heart, and things between them were never the same.
Despite that, Natalie ended up making the journey to the rural community of Sequim, Washington to live with Mike.
There, the two seemed to take turns being the more toxic partner.
Mike called off the wedding the morning of … but the two reconciled and married at the last minute.
It was a decision that they both came to regret … or so it seemed.
Things fell apart. In fact, the two parted ways angrily while recording confessionals.
Natalie had moved out. Soon, she was living in Florida and looking to date, while Mike kept postponing filing for divorce.
So, to see Natalie mark the anniversary of her first interaction with Mike … it felt odd.
“Are you back together?” a fan asked.
“Maybe we never parted,” Natalie replied, adding a shrugging emoji.
Of course, fans spotted Mike with Marcia Alves last weekend. We’ve seen them together before.
In fact, despite them still being legally married, Mike has seemingly moved on after his split with Natalie.
Many assume that his appearance on the The Single Life trailer is as Natalie’s ex or possibly friend, and nothing more.
Perhaps Natalie is just building up uncertainty and hype for the new season. If so, she’s doing a great job.
It is also possible that she is deliberately stirring up trouble, on impulse. Maybe a little bit of both.
It’s very likely that 90 Day: The Single Life will show at least one spousal reconciliation this season. Mike and Natalie could go down that path, too.