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All the Duggars about to be canceled?

Yes. Absolutely. Pretty please with every ounce of sugar on top.

So argues approximately 28,000 people, all of whom have signed a petition that continues to get passed around the Internet.

It was started just over a month ago, right after Josh Duggar got arrested for child pornography possession, and its mission is pretty clear.

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Those who have attached their name to this document don’t believe anyone related to this alleged pedophile should have a television platform/

Not now.

And not ever again.

"Josh Duggar molested his sisters and as of April 29, 2021 he has been arrested (by federal authorities) for child pornography," reads the first sentence of the petition, stating a pair of facts.

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The 33-year old father of six, who is expecting his seventh child with wife Anna Duggar, was taken into custody late last month and accused of downloading over 200 photos/videos of minors getting sexually abused.

He faces up to 40 years in prison if convicted on the two counts with which he’d been charged.

Back in 2015, Josh admitted to groping a number of young girls (including two of his own sisters) when he was a teenager.

He was fired by TLC shortly afterward and the cable network then canceled 19 Kids and Counting — although it didn’t take long for executives to start airing the spinoff, Countiing On.

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"This family should no longer be allowed to collect money from streaming services and television series. Enough is enough. Too many people have been harmed," continues this new petition.

"There have been a lot of questions and comments as to why the entire family should be removed instead of just Jim Bob, Michelle, and Anna.

"I want to address that."

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Jim Bob and Michelle confessed six years ago that they essentially helped their son cover up his misdeeds.

Instead of alerting authorities to Josh’s grotesque actions, they spoke to some random family friend and got him into some random program that reportedly centered on manual labor… not rehabilitation.

So it’s evident why the family patriarch and matriarch shouldn’t earn money off a reality show any longer or be provided with any kind of avenues to fame/fortune.

But why does the petition include a request to do away with Josh’s siblings?

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"I do want to start by saying that my heart does go out to the siblings who were abused by their brother, I know they are victims, but they use their television platform to share their extreme fundamentalist beliefs which have led to this," the creator explains.

"As far as income, the money made by the show goes directly to Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, not to their children.

"There are many other platforms the older siblings can use to share their stories and life to make a living.

"And lastly, TLC has a terrible record with shows like this and production has been found to be extremely toxic on many occasions."

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This latter point has become especially disturbing of late.

A movement is also underway online for TLC to fire the Snowdens from Seeking Sister Wife due to multiple accusations against that couple of abuse and assault.

A woman who used to be involved with Dimtri and Ashley said last month that she told higher-ups all about the violent and manipulative tendencies of the polgamous pair — only to be complete ignored.

"Those a**holes…," Ariadne Joseph has said of Seeking Sister Wife producers, adding of Dimitri Snowden:

"They allowed this piece of s**t to be on this damn show, and they continue to abuse, and misuse, and traumatize women."

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When it comes to Josh Duggar, the network released a very lame statement that aimed to deflect as much blame as possible back on May 2.

It read as follows:

TLC is saddened to learn about the continued troubles involving Josh Duggar.

19 Kids and Counting has not aired since 2015. TLC cancelled the show on the heels of prior allegations against Josh Duggar and he has not appeared on-air since then.

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Way to take responsibility, TLC.

Here is a link to the Delete All Duggar Shows petition if you wish to add your name to it.

We strongly encourage such a move.