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Josh Duggar is not currently living with his immediate family.

There’s a very good chance the accused pedophile never lives with his immediate family ever again.

The 33-year old’s father is not taking any chances, however.

Just in case Josh ever is permitted back home (which would likely mean he’s acquitted on charges of child pornography possession), his controversial father, Jim Bob, has seemingly taken a major step toward ensuring Josh’s safety.

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According to an Arkansas Warranty Deed obtained by The Sun, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar purchased 29 acres of land for $160,000 on May 18, 2021.

The additional land is directly next to the couple’s infamous compound, which has been featured on the family’s reality shows, 19 Kids and Counting and then the more current Counting On.

Prior to this sale being finalized, the Duggar lived in 77 acres of property in Arkansas.

Their investment started in 2000 when Jim Bob bought 20 acres for $300,000; he then expanded his empire by purchasing more parcels of land in September 2014 for $400,000.

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Overall, Jim Bob and Michelle own 13 plots of land, four homes and three commercial buildings.

Among these structures is a warehouse in which Josh, his wife Anna and their six young kids have been living for years.

Yes, we presume, this all comes back to Josh.

The admitted child molestor and unfaithful husband got arrested on April 29 for allegedly downloading over 200 sexually explicit photos/videos of children as young as 18 months old.

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He was released from federal custody on May 6, yet told he cannot live at home because he cannot be unsupervised around any minors — not even his own kids.

Duggar is therefore residing with family friends named LaCount and Maria Reber.

Considering the heinous charges against him, combined with the backlash that is now in full effect against a family that clearly enabled Josh’s disgusting tendencies and habits, Jim Bob is reportedly concerned.

Insiders have told The Sun this father of 19 thinks harm may come to his oldest child.

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"Jim Bob is doing everything he can for Josh, and he’s worried about the attention on him and the family," says this source, adding:

"He’s concerned about photographers in town covering the case, and anyone who might want to hurt Josh because of the crimes he’s accused of."

As mentioned previously, this may very well explain why Jim Bob and Michelle just bought 29 more acres of land.

The more land they own… the more they can surround themselves and their loved ones with fencing or other types of security. The more they can isolate, you know?

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Continued this Sun source on the same topic:

"Those who have rebelled against the family think it’s disgusting he’s pulling out all the stops for him years after he was forgiven for molesting his own sisters.

"Jim Bob has offered to pay for a new fence to be built at the Rebers to also keep them safe, along with Josh’s wife, Anna, and the kids when they go and visit.”

It sounds, meanwhile, as if the Duggar patriarch does have a legitimate reason to be worried, too.

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We’ve learned that a 911 call was made from the Rebers‘ Elkins, Arkansas home on May 7, just one day after Josh was released from jail.

Based on an Arkansas Sheriff’s Office, the call was made at 10:31 p.m. to report a “trespassing in progress” at the home.

The caller, who wished to remain anonymous, said the family “no longer feels safe” after seeing a vehicle parked at the end of the driveway.

The family said they told this same driver of the same car to leave earlier in the week, but the person returned.

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Might this have just been a reporter? Absolutely,

But it also could have been someone who was considering revenge against Josh — and those who are harboring him/protecting him — due to his sinful behavior.

According to a federal indictment, Josh “knowingly received child pornography” between or about May 14, 2019 and on or about May 16, 2019.

He faces decades behind bars if convicted on the two counts he faces and is scheduled to go on trial on July 6, 2021.