Kody Brown has shared a message on Instagram for the first time in over four months.
Did it confirm a new season of Sister Wives? Did he finally reveal the existence of a fifth wife? Did he respond to all the shade Meri has been throwing his way?
No… nope … and not at all.

Instead, the Sister Wives patriarch seemingly showed support for President Donald Trump and may have even admitted that he doesn’t believe in wearing masks these days.
Wrote Kody on his official account:
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream.
"It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

As you can see above, this was a quote uttered years ago by Ronald Reagan.
Kody didn’t elaborate on the meaning behind it or why he posted it, aside from penning a caption that simply reads:
Happy Independence Day! I ask myself, “What is the next right move?"

Considering the circumstances in which the country finds itself, however, it’s hard to imagine that Brown isn’t making a political statement with this meme.
As you very likely know, there’s (somehow) an ongoing debate about wearing masks in public.
Every single health expert says this is the most efficient and helpful way to fight against the coronavirus pandemic and that the most patriotic thing you can do is safeguard your fellow man or woman by donning a face cover.
Others counter with a single word, and it’s the word Kody seems to emphasize here:

Is Kody among those who believes his freedom is being infringed because he’s being urged to wear a mask?
That’s our educated guess, and we’re not alone.
"The Right move is to vote RED, Trump 2020!! The only way to make sure America stays free!" wrote one follower in response to Brown’s post, while another countered with:
"Get rid of Trump and that will be a good step forward."

Did Kody intent to ignite such a contentious debate among his followers? Who the heck knows with this guy.
Is it surprising that he’d take this sort of stance when it comes to masks and some misguided notion of freedom? No.
Kody Brown has never been known as someone who cares about other people.
Meri has been trying to tell us this for months and anyone who watched the latest season of Sister Wives came away from it thinking Kody totally sucks.

Thankfully, however, not everyone who commented on Kody’s message focused on its political nature.
At least one individual got right to what matters most when it comes to this reality star: his awful treatment of his spouses, one in particular.
"Just want to say that I watched episode with you and Meri at therapy and how you blame her for everything, it was utterly disgusting," this person wrote.
"Once you divorced her you let her go and it was all about robin and her kids and it’s still no different, what about your biological kids they don’t matter.
"You don’t deserve to have Meri."

There may be many points of view on how the world operates and there may be a lot to disagree over in terms of which political party has the best interests of our nation at heart.
But that final statement above is one on which we can all agree, right?
Let’s all hope Meri truly is moving on at last.