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It’s been six weeks since Bella Thorne and rapper Mod Sun broke up but it looks like neither party has moved on just yet.

Last month, Sun called the cops on Thorne after the actress showed up at his house unannounced to gather belongings he’d left there aftter the split.

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No arrests were made and the incident was quickly sorted out. 

But based on their latest Twitter interactions, it seems there’s still some serious bad blood between the exes.

It all started when Sun was interviewed by Too Fab and joked that he was planning to sell some of Thorne’s possessions on eBay.

"It’s at the storage unit, the Mod Sun storage unit," he said, in reference to Bella’s missing laptop.

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"I figured if she doesn’t get it soon I’m gonna have a really, really poppin e-Bay site."

Thorne retweeted the article and added a little commentary of her own:

"Awww looks like moddy really wants some press #hungry," she wrote.

"Also didn’t u call the cops on me when I wanted my computer? U pussy."

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Sun was quick to fire back with a clarification:

"Well u came over uninvited. 24 hours after we broke up, Thru the backdoor," he tweeted. 

"I wasn’t at the house to see what u were gonna take + to be honest bella…ur not the most trustworthy person," he added.

"I’ve also told u 6 times since let’s SWAP each other’s stuff but which u refuse to gather mine."

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Mod later screenshotted the exchange and added a parting, passive-aggressive shot:

"I’m doing good btw nice to hear from u," he tweeted.

Of course, Sun never really had a chance at emerging from this thing unscathed, as his Twitter following is literally less than one-tenth the size of Bella’s (650,000 vs. 6.6 million).

On top of that, Thorne has him beat in the famous friends department:

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"Is this seriously happening right now? @bellathorne — our worst fear is a clout chasing ass ex. I’m pissed you’re dealing with this," tweeted Bella’s bestie Keke Palmer.

Again, Sun’s comments were clearly made in jest, and he probably didn’t expect the situation to blow up in his face like this, but then again, none us know what happened in the relationship or during the "break-in" debacle, so we’re withholding judgment.

On a more positive note, Mod revealed in his Too Fab interview that he’s 17 days sober and intends to stay that way.

Maybe that decision will lead to more stable relationships in the future.