Right before Thanksgiving, we showed you a 90 Day Fiance sneak peek in which Leida confronted Eric’s daughter … and ordered her to move out.
That was only one of the dramatic conflicts that arose on Sunday night’s episode.
If these couples are fighting this much already, how many are going to make it to the altar?

Colt and Larissa had another fight — but not the kind that got Larissa arrested for domestic battery.
Following Colt’s proposal, Larissa was apparently worried that he wasn’t taking wedding planning seriously.
(Remember, as the name of the show implies, there is a very serious time limit on how long an engagement can last)
Fortunately, they’re in Vegas, a city that is no stranger to wedding planning.
Colt elected to take his volatile bride-to-be to a potential wedding venue.
it did not go well.

See, Colt complimented a woman’s glasses — you know, because they’re both human beings and that’s how people talk to each other.
Larissa kind of flipped out.
"I’m really tired of you acting like attention whore, Colt," Larissa told him.
Unless there was a lot about Colt’s behavior that cameras edited out, that’s one hell of a reaction.
Larissa demanded: "Please stop [giving] compliments to strange woman."
As far as she was concerned, this spoiled her mood and ruined the day.
Colt, however, apologized to her.

We’ve seen how, despite their shared child, Kalani Faagata is having second thoughts about marrying Asuelu Pulaa.
It’s not cold feet — it’s concern about how good of a father he can be.
We previously saw her blow up at him after he removed Oliver from his car seat while on an interstate.
Now that the couple has moved into their new home in Utah, Kalani continues to have her doubts.
Asuelu carries Oliver on his shoulders (you know, one foot over each shoulder), which Kalani says is unsafe.
Oliver is months old, by this point, and most would agree that this is a normal way to carry a baby over safe terrain.
While there may be some editing afoot, Kalani is pretty blunt with the camera that she’s unsure that Asuelu is husband material because of his inexperience as a father.

So, it turns out that Jonathan Rivera hadn’t kept his family up to date on his relationship with Fernanda Flores.
He took her to Chicago to meet them, and it … could have gone better.
"If this doesn’t go well, I don’t know what that means for the rest of our relationship,” Jon confessed.
“If my mom doesn’t accept her, it’s just going to be game over for us," he says.
His mom was constantly talking about Fernanda’s age, which is understandable — her son is in his thirties and about to marry a teenager.
In fact, his mom sounds concerned for both of them, and asks Fernanda if she really wants to get married.
"Obviously," the 19-year-old replied.

Now, we also see Jonathan’s mother say "don’t do it," but given 90 Day Fiance’s infamous editing, we cannot confirm the context.
Perhaps she is speaking about something specific, and the producers couldn’t resist throwing it in there as if it were about the relationship.
Fernanda took Jon’s mom’s issue with her age very personally.
"I can’t change my age. I wish I was 25 just to please her, but I can’t,” Fernanda lamented.
“I don’t know in what book say you need to meet 10 guys for you to meet your true husband," she continued.
Fernanda concluded: "And when I met Jonathan, the things I wanted in one man, Jonathan had."
That is honestly very touching. We hope that things get better with Jon’s mom. She and his sister seemed to hit it off, at least.

As we had already seen, Leida Margaretha confronted Tasha Rosenbrook.
Leida accused Tasha of having sabotaged the apartment (leaving it moderately messy) to drive a wedge between her father and Leida.
As the 29-year-old faced off against the 19-year-old, Eric was mostly neutral. It was not a great look for him.
Ultimately, Leida informed Tasha that she wanted her to leave.
Tasha is a teenager who pays half of the rent and half of the bills at the apartment — the apartment that Leida hates.
Tasha made it clear that she’s in no hurry to go anywhere.

Leida can’t actually evict Tasha.
And honestly, this really made her seem like the bad guy in this situation. It’s a terrible first impression to make, too.
Now, Leida’s desire for more living space is understandable.
She brought her 5-year-old along with her.
That child is too old to share a room with his mother — and with his mother’s new boyfriend.
But there can be another solution than kicking out Tasha, right?

If there is one person whom 90 Day Fiance viewers hate more than any other this season, it’s Steven Frend.
Olga Koshimbetova is still recovering from giving birth via C-section, and Steven is focusing on being a huge dick.
"Steven has never spoke with me this way,” Olga told the camera. “I’m worried about what’s going to be if we have a real problem."
The one nice thing that we can say si that Steven at least seems to be aware that he’s the actual worst.
"I need to calm down and speak to her with respect and not be so intense with her,” Steven acknowledged.
“I really do want to be with her," he continued. "But we’re still learning about each other and now we have a baby."
This couple is very young, and Steven keeps insisting that he doesn’t want his child to grow up in a contentious household like he did.
Maybe he needs more time so that he can unlearn the toxic habits that he absorbed from his family.

After ages of being told that she was about to marry a tramp, it looks like Ashley Martson is letting other people’s opinions get to her.
Jay Smith was texting a woman who is back in Jamaica — discussing his tattoo business.
Ashley flipped out in a way that she has not before.
"You’re about to be married," she reminded Jay. "You don’t answer, literally, you shouldn’t be answering anyone but your family members."
That is absurd, and Jay knows it. He told her that she was making him feel like a prisoner.
Hopefully, Ashley will come around.