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On The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11 Episode 13, Kelly Dodd’s marriage took center stage, and not in a good way.

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Watch The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11 Episode 13 Online

Before we get to that, a brief public service announcement.

Vicki Gunvalson, who alienated her friends and family when Brooks Ayers lied about cancer and she backed him, is promoting cancer awareness.

To the point where the OG of the OC has even opened up her own charitable group with some of her friends in the insurance industry. 

The organization: Kill All Cancer. The hook?

An insurance policy people can purchase in case they ever get cancer. You can question Vick’s motives all you want, but that is neat.

Meghan King Edmonds 'The Real Housewives of Orange County Premiere Party
(Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images)

On a somber note, Meghan Edmonds learned last night that only one of the pair of embryos she had implanted via IVF had attached.

So she will be a mom, just not of twins.

The main event of The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11 Episode 13, though, was Kelly Dodd, and her crumbling marriage.

Wondering if she should stay with her husband because of their young daughter, she wept as she described the strange case of Tamra.

Speaking of whom … Tamra took her friends to the spa to make up for flipping them all over in a dune buggy, and almost killing them.

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You know. Standard.

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you know the producers stage conversations in odd places. This is routine.

Last night was all-time, though.

Vicki, Kelly, and Tamra proceeded to fill Heather Dubrow in on the events of The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11 Episode 12.

In a mud bath, next to a turtle statue.

Kelly Dodd Image

Sadly, the conversation turned to an even more upsetting topic as Kelly began to cry over her marriage to Michael Dodd once again.

For this crew, marital problems are nothing new, but there was something particularly sad about watching Kelly break down on camera.

It was one of those raw moments that truly put the reality in reality TV; Bravo may stage all sorts of things, but not this kind of emotion.

Her pain resonated with co-stars and fans.

"I don’t think she’s happy in her marriage,” mused Tamra, stating the obvious, but she hadn’t even heard the half of it at that juncture.

Follow the above links to see the drama unfold from start to finish right now. Be prepared, though, to bring an extra box of the tissues.

You’re gonna need them, bad. You’re gonna feel like Donald Trump sniffling after possibly snorting coke before the debate last night.

Sorry. Too soon?