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On Duck Dynasty Season 8 Episode 5, entitled "Pranks For Everything," the silly antics of the Duck Commander crew spiraled out of control.

That’s because we’re talking full-on prank war.

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Walking through doors aren’t attached to anything can be a challenge, but Jase is nothing if not innovative … and a little unhinged.

See what we did there?!

Jase had to get Willie back for giving him a hot sauce donut, and obviously, Willie had to get Jase back for the door shenanigans.

Dumping flour all over his older brother – especially in that hair and beard – will do the job. As will an army of silly string wielders.

"What the crap," Willie said at one point, and that pretty much summed up the victims’ reaction to each of these epic practical jokes.

Also, Phil volunteered Willie, Jase and Jep to help Alan at church on Duck Dynasty Season 8 Episode 5, which you knew would be classic.

Anytime the beardless Robertson bro is involved is an automatic win, but seeing these guys all in that setting is something worth watching.

Elsewhere on the A&E hit, Korie decided to give Miss Kay a surprise art class taught by none other than the famous artist Pierre Matisse.

Follow the link to watch Duck Dynasty online and to see how it all played out down in West Monroe, where there is never a dull moment.