Brendan Fraser is making $205,704.04 a month.
His expenses, unfortunately, are much higher.
Yes, he’s in the red each month to the tune of $87,320.01, he reveals in his ongoing legal battle with his ex-wife, Afton Smith, to whom he owes $50,000.

A month. To prove his financial situation has diminished (by a lot) and his alimony should be reduced, Fraser listed his monthly income and expenses:
- Professional expenses: $112,803.25
- Alimony: $50,000
- Mortgages: $5,000+
- Property tax: $6,000+
- Income tax: $34,132.52
- Child support: $25,000
- Gardening: $5,200
- Various insurances: $5,000+
- Family support and gifts: $5,000+
- Staffing: $3,000
- Pet care: $7.77
Yes, $7.77 for pet care. SMH there, right?
For a guy supposedly worth $25 million, we’re not sure how this happened, but maybe the income isn’t what it used to be back in the Encino Man days.