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British physicist Stephen Hawking may be one of the smartest humans of all time, but his recent claim that Heaven doesn’t exist were guaranteed to generate significant backlash. Enter actor and Evangelical Christian Kirk Cameron.

Hugely active in his church, Kirk says Hawking, who called heaven a “fairy story for people afraid of the dark,” has no scientific evidence to back that up.

How can the Growing Pains star say that’s the case?

Well, Cameron told TMZ the following: “Professor Hawking is heralded as ‘the genius of Britain,’ yet he believes in the scientific impossibility that nothing created everything and that life sprang from non-life.”

“Why should anyone believe Mr. Hawking’s writings if he cannot provide evidence for his unscientific belief that out of nothing, everything came? [Hawking] says he knows there is no Heaven. John Lennon wasn’t sure.”

“[Lennon] said to pretend there’s no Heaven. That’s easy if you try. Then he said he hoped that someday we would join him. Such wishful thinking reveals John and Stephen’s religious beliefs, not good science.”

There you have it. Kirk Cameron vs. John Lennon and Stephen Hawking, all in one story. Bet you didn’t expect that in your daily dose of celebrity gossip!

What do you think, though? Is Heaven legit?