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We’ve been half-heartedly sarcastically passionately asking her to “Gimme More,” and, well, now Britney Spears is going to do just that!

Jive Records has decided to move up the release date of Britney Spears’ new album, entitled Blackout, from November 13 to October 30.

It’s an appropriate album title for Britney Spears, as we all know. The girl has had some problems with the power company turning her electricity off lately.

The reason for the early release? Jive Records wants to put the kibosh on all of this unauthorized leaking of Britney Spears’ songs onto the Internet.

Since the album’s inception, songs and unfinished material and demos have made their way consistenyly onto celebrity gossip blogs and various music sites where they are easily and publicly ridiculed downloaded.

A Jive spokesperson said in a statement:

“Due to numerous unauthorized online leaks, the record label is doing everything possible to prevent and avoid any further illegal distribution of songs, including moving up the release date of the album to October 30.”

You know who’s even more excited about this than Jive? Lynne Spears. She’s back in Britney’s good graces – and back on the payroll just in time to cash in!