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Gino Palazzolo and Jasmine Pineda are among the seven new couples joining 90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days.

Ahead of the Season 5 premiere, viewers got to see trailers and some specific teasers for each couple.

Gino is clearly excited to be with his very "sexual" lady love, Jasmine, even packing a lot of "blue pills" for his trip.

Meanwhile, it sounds like Jasmine is afraid that he’ll meet someone else — to the point where she demands to know his whereabouts at all times.

Gino and Jasmine for 90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days Season 5

Before we get into this newest glimpse at the premiere, 51-year-old Michigan native Gino Palazzolo is so excited to see Jasmine.

He is so excited to see her and get to know her, particularly in a carnal fashion.

The guy is planning to be in Panama for only a couple of weeks, but still hopes to leave engaged.

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Gino isn’t shy about telling the cameras that Jasmine is a very sexual person.

Like most people in long distance relationships, he and Jasmine have had naked video chat sessions.

According to him, her plans for their first night together are going to be both intense and demanding.

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With that in mind, Gino has a stash of pills that he will be taking with him.

He doesn’t throw out any brand names, but they are clearly designed to help him maintain an erection during sex.

Given the age gap at play, he may be anxious about "keeping up" with his lady love in the sexual department.

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But in addition to keeping it up, Gino has to keep Jasmine up-dated on his movements.

This sneak peek shows that she has a jealous, even controlling side.

While it’s not particularly threatening in this case … it’s definitely a red flag.

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“Jasmine likes to know every time I go out from my home,” Gino confesses to the camera.

He explains: “I let her know, ‘Hey, I’m going at this time, and this is where I’m going.’”

Up to a point, that sounds normal, albeit primarily for partners who live together.

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If she wanted updates while he’s on car trips or whatever, that would be one thing.

But no, Gino says, she wants to essentially supervise him whenever he leaves the house.

This can be for things as mundane as routine errands or picking up takeout for dinner.

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“I don’t know if she’s joking or not,” Gino admits.

“She says, ‘Evidence! Reports!’" he details.

Gino shares: "So, usually, when I go out, I’ll send her a screenshot to check in with her because she wants to know where I’m at at all times.”

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“If I don’t send her texts or photos, she can really get upset,” Gino adds.

In the sneak peek, the cameras follow Gino as he picks up food, and he has Jasmine on his phone … as if to monitor his activities.

At first, Jasmine seems to be in a good mood … until he gets into the car.

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At that point, Jasmine confronts him on being so "friendly" with the woman at the restaurant register.

Gino says that they were just talking — which is true, we all saw it.

Jasmine clearly thinks that it was a bit too flirtatious, and warns that she will be "tired" so perhaps she won’t be able to talk to him later.

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If a woman’s boyfriend or husband were like this, friends would fear for her life — and not without reason.

Even if we don’t fear for Gino’s physical safety the way that we would then, this is a major red flag.

We suspect that this is just a taste of what’s to come on their portion of the season.