Rob Kardashian is very upset because many men have allegedly been smashing (his word, not ours) Blac Chyna of late.
But Kardashian himself is getting absolutely smashed (in a different manner of speaking) for taking this one-sided fight to Twitter.
Sharing inappropriate photos of his ex-fiancee, along with details of her supposed behavior, Rob is now the one being raked over the social media coals by angry users.
As you’re about to find out below, they simply can’t believe all the things Kardashian is saying…
It’s True

Being cheated on is NOT a legal excuse for exposing someone private photos to the public. Rob could face six months in jail, based on California law.
Advice for Chyna

No, really, you could send Rob to prison.
In Case You Were Wondering

Here is the statute in question.
Pssst, Rob:

You may want to hire an attorney. California is very good at this.
Well Done, Blac

Keep cashing those Kardashian checks, honey.
Keep Me Out of This!

Okay? Thanks. XOXO, God.
Keep Going, Rob

Wait… let us grab some popcorn.
Give Us the Tea

Give us ALL the tea.
Here I Come, Twitter!

Rob was given the boot off Instagram for writing the same sort of explicit stuff that he went ahead and wrote on Twitter.

Rob, dude: did you really not know who you got into bed with?
Wait… He Wrote WHAT?!?

Oh, Rob.
Finally, Something We Can All Agree On

Even Chyna and Rob, we bet.
We Hate Wendy Williams

But even we must admit: she’ll have some scorching hot takes about all of this.