90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days Season 5, Episode 9 was titled “Bad Romance” with good reason.
Gino and Jasmine’s pricey luxury vacation turned into a tearful, angry nightmare after Gino’s betrayal was uncovered.
Ben’s journey for the elusive Mahogany in Panama drove him to take even more leaps of faith.
TLC opted to simply air Alina and Caleb’s recycled footage from the week before amidst Alina’s firing and TLC’s pledge to edit her out. Super weird.
Hamza struggled over Memphis’ request that he sign a prenup as their language barrier and cultural differences met pre-wedding jitters.
At a nice dinner with her entire family present, it’s time for Mike to propose to Ximena.
Gino Palazzolo and Jasmine Pineda

At the end of last week’s episode, Jasmine unblocked the woman who was messaging her to see what she — Gino’s ex — was trying to say. It was worse than anything that she had imagined. Not only was he still in contact with his ex, but he was talking about Jasmine — even sending Jasmine’s nude photo to her. A monstrous betrayal.
Gino tries to deny it

That doesn’t work. His ex sent a screenshot to Jasmine as proof. Now, DMs and texts can easily be faked, but there’s no way that this woman could fabricate Jasmine’s nudes without Gino having sent them. Jasmine is hurt and Gino is busted.
Gino tries to spin it

He tries to defend the indefensible, framing him leaking Jasmine’s nude photo to his ex as him trying to “rub it in her face” that his new love was so hot.
Obviously, that doesn’t help

This is a monumental betrayal for multiple reasons — first, because leaking nudes is never okay. Second, because it shows that he’s still in contact with and obviously fixated upon his ex.
It’s too much for Jasmine

She walks off in tears. If they were back home instead of on this vacation, she’d never see him again. As it is, they’re temporarily stuck together on this small, beautiful island.
Alone, Jasmine has time to look through it all

She sees screenshots of messages that Gino sent to his ex … messages where he poked fun at Jasmine. Some of them were sent while she slept just feet away from him, meaning that these aren’t old DMs from when they first began talking, either.
Jasmine returns to pack her things

Having gotten her own room, she packs up her belongings … and furiously confronts Gino over what she now knows. The idea that she went to sleep beside him and he messaged his ex, taunting her with his new love life, makes this cut so much deeper than if all of his wrongdoings had taken place back in Michigan.
The TOOTHBRUSH had narrative payoff

Remember when Gino gave her that awful present — an electric toothbrush — as his MAIN gift to her? (Look, it’s a good present if someone’s mom’s in town, but it’s not romantic and it should never be your primary gift to your future spouse) Jasmine tosses it into the dirt.
Jasmine had found even more

Prior to their relationship, Gino had boasted to his ex about how much he was paying sugarbabies — sex workers giving him a girlfriend experience — for “dinner dates.”
Jasmine finds him sad and depressing

Honestly, there’s nothing wrong with sex work or sex workers, so Jasmine’s reaction could be a red flag under other circumstances. In the moment, it’s clear that she’s a hurt woman wanting to say whatever will most hurt Gino.
As for Gino …

The guy basically looks like he’s short-circuiting throughout this. We don’t feel sorry for him — he’s getting exactly the sort of reaction that his behavior warrants — but it’s odd to see him look like he’s trying to come up with the right words but end up with nothing to say.
Jasmine is so done

If she hadn’t loved Gino, she’d be upset, sure, but not devastated like this. Everything that she thought that they had together was a lie, and she hates him because he broke her heart.
Jasmine drinks a lot of wine

She processes all of this, realizing that she was a tool — like his past dates, sugar babies included — to make his ex jealous, because Gino has some sort of weird obsession with his ex.
What is Gino doing?

There’s no one right way to respond to a breakup, but we see Gino just sort of … lying motionless on the bed like he’s not sure what to do at this point.
Jasmine returns

Fueled by alcohol and rage, she marches back to Gino’s room and informs him that she plans to sue him. Revenge porn isn’t just a betrayal; it’s a crime in many places.
Gino’s response is unhinged

Gino asks “what nudes” and then tries to play word games with Jasmine by claiming that it’s not really a “nude” that he sent because Jasmine is topless but her genitals aren’t showing. That is absurd.
Jasmine exacts her revenge

In one quick motion, she snatches Gino’s precious hat off of his head.
Okay WOW

Gino’s head looks more or less exactly like everyone thought. It’s just odd to see him without it, because he has never appeared without his hat on before. Most people in his life haven’t seen him without a hat.

Gino calmly reaches over to his bag, opens a zipper, and puts on a new hat. That is so bonkers.
Jasmine feels undone

She has spent all of this time and energy on Gino only for their love to be a lie, and her devastation cannot be overstated.
She even threatens to get “real” revenge

Though she briefly threatens to send Gino’s dick pic to someone, she says that there’s “nothing to brag about” him so sending it to an ex would be pointless. Ouch.
Please don’t

Jasmine lunges for Gino again, clearly aiming for his hat … one hopes.
Production steps in

They separate the two and get Jasmine to leave. Yes, she was probably just aiming for his hat again, but it’s better to be safe than let a domestic violence incident play out.
Ben Rathbun and Mahogany Roca

Ben has yet to meet Mahogany despite flying down to Lima, Peru. She didn’t meet him at the airport and hasn’t responded to his messages. He’s working out, which he explains is his “happy place,” as he processes all of this.
He calls his friend Jason to deliver an update

There’s a word for when someone doesn’t show up physically and also abruptly stops responding to your messages, and it’s ghosting.
Jason warns Ben that Mahogany might not be real

It would certainly be a classic catfish move to make — build up a fake online relationship, get money from the person, and be afraid to burn that bridge … only to have them show up and expect to see you. Ben has been catfished before. But … we know that there’s a real social media profile for a woman who (mostly) matches the description of Mahogany.
Finally, he hears from her

Ben makes his way to San Bartolo, though it sounds like Mahogany is trying to discourage him from making the journey. After his lengthy and purple prose-filled texts, hers is very short.
Ben takes it further

He tells her where he’ll be and when, that he’ll be waiting for her at a restaurant, and that he hopes that she will join him. Oh dear.
To Ben, it’s yet another leap of faith

He is convinced that God has led him into this relationship with this alleged 24-year-old woman, and he’s not backing down. Hey, maybe editors are pulling a fast one and she’s been real the whole time … but the odds seem good that there’s at least a little dishonesty at play here.
Caleb Greenwood and Alina Kasha

There’s nothing new for these two this week, as the show simply replayed their footage from last week — the conversation, the farewells to Elijah, and the visit to the Turkish baths. This is such a strange way to keep the pledge to not show new footage of Alina.
Memphis Smith and Moknii Hamza

The wedding date is approaching, but Hamza is still hung up on Memphis’ request that he sign a prenup. In addition to the language barrier, there are clearly some cultural differences at play. In the United States, previous generations saw prenups as something for rich people, but they are much more common among Millennials like Memphis (and with good reason). That’s clearly not the case in Tunisia.
Hamza has other worries

In his mind, Memphis makes a big deal out of what he considers to be “petty problems.” Of course, since these petty problems have included him lying to her and demonstrating poor planning and not necessarily making her a priority, the larger problem might be why he doesn’t see any of this as a big deal.
He tells his mom about the prenup

Hamza feels offended, like Memphis doesn’t trust him and like she isn’t fully invested in their marriage. In reality, a prenup is pretty much always a good idea — because EVERYONE “has a prenup” (it’s just the marriage and divorce laws of wherever you happen to live). Clearly, he and Memphis have a lot to talk about … albeit using Google translate, which unfortunately sometimes makes them sound harsher to each other than they mean to be.
Hayet likes Memphis, but she’s not totally convinced yet

She notes that it takes many months to get to know someone, not just a handful. Hayet also had a bad marriage and was left in a socially disadvantageous position by her divorce. She wants better than that for her son.
Meanwhile, Memphis calls her former foster sister, Ingrid

Ingrid very quickly sees the problems that Memphis is describing as part of a pattern — that Hamza isn’t as mature as they had hoped. Memphis admits that it recently came out that Hamza is two years younger than he had claimed to her. Lying about one’s age is never a good sign, especially as a wedding date looms.
Memphis still needs to tell Hamza about her ex

In Tunisian culture, divorce means the end of the contact between the former spouses. That’s obviously not the case for many people in the United States, especially if they share children, and Memphis needs to tell Hamza that she’s still good friends with her ex. She has not, and Ingrid reminds her that she can’t keep putting this off, no matter how poorly she fears that Hamza will react.
It’s time to tell him, but …

Hamza goes first, telling Memphis that he worries that they are rushing into marrying.
Memphis is STUNNED

She had worked herself up to be brave enough to talk to Hamza about her ex, but she didn’t even get the chance and now he’s telling her that they’re rushing into marrying? Memphis has already said that if she’s not married to him by the end of this trip, the relationship is over. Is … is it over?
Mike Berk and Ximena Cuellar

Mike has everything set up perfectly for a nice dinner for Ximena and her entire family. He’s about to return to the United States, but there’s more to this than a farewell dinner.
Ximena hopes that Mike won’t slide back into old habits

He’ll be back to living with his father and grandfather, but she hopes that he’ll practice good manners and will continue to be in the habit of picking up after himself, so that he won’t have to re-learn those things upon his next visit.
Then things get serious

Mike speaks to Ximena about how much he loves her, and how he loves her two precious sons as if they were his own.
He pops the question

With a ring and a cake, Mike asks if Ximena will marry him.
Of course!

Ximena admits to the camera that she felt like her heart was going to burst in that moment. Everything was so perfect.
Even her dad got emotional

Jamir has seen some bad men come into his daughter’s life before, and he wasn’t totally convinced of Mike, but clearly he has strong and positive feelings. He embraces Mike, welcoming him to the family.
She said yes, BTW

The two embrace and emphasize their shared love for one another. It’s very sweet.
But Mike does have to go

He says his farewells to Juan and Harold before he goes to his flight back to New York. The plan is to begin the process of bringing Ximena over.
It’s a hard goodbye

But they know that their parting is temporary, at least. Such a sweet moment in an otherwise stressful, weird episode.