This just in: Scott Disick totally sucks.
The three-time baby daddy to Kourtney Kardashian, Disick is basically known for drinking a lot; for leaving his girlfriend to take care of his children; and for… did we mention drinking a lot?
Scott has clashed often with Kris Jenner, Kim Kardashian and company, all of whom believe Disick can act like an entitled douchebag.
For what reason? We’ve listed several off the top of our heads below. Pick your favorite!
When He Made Fun of Kourtney’s Clothes

When He Took Kim Down a Peg

That Other Time He Took Kim Down a Peg

When He Tried to be Down With the Hood

When He Mocked Rob’s Socks

When He Ragged on Kim’s Marriage

When He Read Kourtney’s Mind

When He Burned Kendall Jenner

Scott doesn’t limit himself to being a douche on TV. His attacks on the Jenner sisters make Twitter a better place to be.
When He Pointed Out That Kris Jenner is Awful

Scott might be a douche, but Kris Jenner is the worst. Fortunately, Scott’s more than happy to point that out.
When He Mocked Kim Yet Again

And of Course, When He Made Fun of the Entire Family

When He Got Wasted in Aspen

Oh, and destroyed a hotel room. Let’s not forget that. Disick and his pals stirred up controversy by drinking a lot (what else is new?) and causing major damage to a hotel in Aspen, Colorado.