Just because the publisher is reportedly delaying Britney Spears’ memoir as her fellow A-listers fret doesn’t mean that we aren’t hearing news about her.
Or about her family.
Ex Kevin Federline is looking to relocate to Hawaii. That would mean bringing their shared sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James, along.
Right now, he’s asking for her to sign off on the move. If not, he’s prepared to go to family court to approve it.
For a few years now, Sean Preston and Jayden James Federline have lived with their father, Kevin.
A major shift to custody took place late in the summer of 2019, and for a very good reason.
At the time, Britney’s widely reviled father, Jamie Spears, allegedly attacked Sean Preston, who was at the time only 13 years old.
Jamie still had total control over Britney’s life, legally and financially speaking, in 2019. Sean and Jayden were young, and she had a very limited ability to deny Jamie access to the boys.
So, at the time, she and Kevin amended their custody agreement so that they would spend more time with their father. Kevin also secured a restraining order to further ensure their safety from him.
As a result, the boys spent more time with their dad. Over time, they spent even more time with him. And it seems that they grew apart from their mother emotionally, as well.
Anyway, fast-forwarding to 2023, and the boys are somewhat estranged from Britney. That’s a very complex mess, and also very sad.
Meanwhile, they and their father, Kevin, are planning to move to Hawaii. Not just them — this would include their stepmother, Victoria Prince.
Though they are both teenagers and have a lot of say (relatively speaking) over things like custody, this is still an interstate move — and requires Britney’s approval.
So, TMZ reports, Kevin Federline has had his attorney, Mark Vincent Kaplan, pen a letter to Britney’s own representative, Mathew Rosengart.
The letter asks if Britney will sign off on Sean Preston and Jayden James making the move.
They are hoping to receive a response from Britney by the end of the week.
Now, Britney could potentially object to this.
If so, the next step would be for Kaplan to go to family court to seek a judge’s approval.
Given a lot of factors — the ages of the sons, the recent physical custody situation — the court would likely grant permission since the boys are reportedly all for it.
But just because this could end up in court does not mean that it will.
Sources say that Britney will likely give the move her stamp of approval. Common sense suggests the same — unless she knows of something that the rest of us don’t.
That doesn’t mean that she’ll be doing backflips with excitement. Just that she’ll let her sons do what they want. Historically, she knows what it’s like to have someone else decide where she lives. It’s not fun.
Meanwhile, there’s a reason for the move. Victoria has a job offer at a university in the state. Kevin has some DJ opportunities lined up.
Apparently, if all goes according to plan, they will depart for Hawaii this summer — likely in July.
Notably, Sean Preston will have graduated high school before they move. Meanwhile, 16-year-old Jayden is taking classes remotely. That will likely not change.