No one who is familiar with her history and behavior would ever accuse Farrah Abraham of being a good person.
She’s not just some clown who mumbles nonsense and clearly struggles to express herself verbally. Farrah’s toxic behavior has included hysterics and racist rants.
But maybe, sometimes, Farrah can be a good mom. A cool one, certainly. In very specific contexts.
This time, it’s celebrating daughter Sophia’s birthday. She is 14. And she received a whole set of new piercings to celebrate!

Farrah Abraham uploaded a series of photos to a TikTok video. TikTok is not really the right venue for photo-sharing. But, since the pics were of 14-year-old Sophia, perhaps it was simply age-appropriate.
(We joke — Farrah probably wanted to use the montage of Sophia for social media clout)
The content showed Sophia, with her vibrant purple-and-black hair, receiving piercings. Her birthday was on Thursday, February 23.

“HAPPY 14th Birthday!” Farrah gushed, before posting a couple of tags and explaining the context.
She wrote: “#snakebite & #earlobe piercing party! 6 piercings later.”
In a rhyme that perhaps makes sense only to Farrah, she added: “#snakebitepiercings you match your snake can you even eat your cake?”

Some winced at the pics of Sophia receiving a series of facial piercings. That has to hurt, after all.
Sophia, meanwhile, was clearly very brave and very still during the piercings.
And commenters were quick to point out that it’s good that a professional did this, and not some unqualified rando in a mall.

The bigger point of praise, however, was that Farrah was doing this at all.
Sophia is 14 years old. A lot of parents try to strictly control their children, limiting their self-expression out of fear for what “people might think.”
In comments, “people” showed that they “think” that it’s rad as heck that Sophia gets to be herself. The world would be a better place if more people had that opportunity.

However, there were some critics who were the other sort of people with opinions. These are probably the folks who recoil from someone who has an eyebrow piercing and complain to the manager if their cashier has a tattoo sleeve.
Farrah issued a rebuttal to these negative comments and critiques.
“I LOVE MY TEENAGER,” she began. “I want to say beyond love for you, I’m grateful to have you as my daughter.”

Farray shared that “you’ve helped me recognize how to ‘reparent’ myself, even while parenting you.” Actually, that’s a legitimate thing for people who grew up with bad parents.
“I love you and wishing you the most successful life you deserve,” she went on.
Farrah wants Sophia to lead a life “filled with compassion not criticism, nor shaming, blaming or rejection for any reason.”

“As [you’re] now relearning, reparenting yourself and using all the education your seen as 100 % you at every age,” Farrah said. (What?)
“I know this makes your life flourish way beyond mine,” she acknowledged. “You make me proud, laugh , love and feel the heaven on earth we all should have.”
Farrah then concluded: “Love you Sophia my superstar! Enjoy your time! Thank you for being my daughter.”