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Over the course of Josh Duggar’s child pornography trial, much was revealed about the defendant, his upbringing, and the culture of abuse that enabled him to get away with so much for so long.

At one point, a former family friend named Bobye Holt took the stand and revealed that Jim Bob and Michelle went to the police to report Josh’s molestation of his sisters years after the fact, and only after they were pressured by the Holt family.

Now, another Duggar friend has come forward to share some shocking memories of his encounters with the family.

And once again, the public is receiving a view of life in the Duggar household that’s very different from what was presented on television.

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Bowman Fedosky grew up in the Duggars’ religious community, but he distanced himself from that world as an adult.

Now, Fedosky, 28, speaks openly about his experiences with the world’s most famous family of fundamentalists.

Naturally, fans have been curious as to whether Josh showed any signs of sexual deviancy in his interactions with Bowman.

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Fedosky recently recalled one such incident involving Josh’s well-known love of computers.

"Josh used to be really into computers … He gave our family six old IBM computers that they didn’t need anymore," Fedosky told his TikTok followers this week.

"So he gave us these computers … And I was a little curious kid, 10 years old, so I started digging around, and I found a whole bunch of deleted porn files. These computers were full of porn. Thousands of files of porn," he continued.

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"Mind you, they were deleted. So they were like the tiny little files with the leftover cookies that were still there."

But Fedosky says those files were enough to create a minor scandal.

"I remember, I was 10-years-old and I found this picture … I thought it was a girl with a really long tongue. Then I realized it was a girl giving a blow job," he recalled.

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"And I freaked out. It was like the worst.

"I ran to my parents, told them about it and they went and talked to the Duggars, and I don’t really remember what happened, but it got swept under the rug."

Bowman says it wasn’t until years later that he recognized the significance of that incident.

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"I used to kind of laugh about that. I used to say, ‘Josh Duggar was the reason that I saw porn for the first time,’" he recalled.

"And then all of this stuff came to light, and I was like, ‘Oh, that’s kind of messed up, actually.’"

Fedowsky went on to reveal that he has struggled with porn and sex addiction in recent years.

"Here I am a sex addict … because of Josh Duggar," he concluded.

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"Kind of weird when you think about how the actions of people affect others."

As The Ashley’s Reality Roundup reports, Bowman opened up even more in a recent Reddit AMA, in which he fielded a wide variety of questions about life with the Duggars.

“Part of me wants to believe that they played it off as simply being due to a virus because I remember having this ridiculous fear of opening sketchy sites and that if I did that my computer was going to be full of porn lololol,” he said of the now-infamous porn incident.

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“I told my parents and they talked to the Duggars but I never heard anything else about it,” Fedosky wrote.

“It was definitely not talked about or even insinuated by anyone that it was him. At least not that I heard. Everyone was always weirdly quiet about other people’s ‘struggles’ even my parents and they seemed to just want to forget about it and move on.”

Bowman went on to explain that in retrospect, there was always something a little "off" about Josh.

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The Duggar Daughters All Avoided Josh:

“I used to think it was just cause he was older in age and not as close with them but obviously there was other stuff going on,” he wrote during his AMA.

“There was a large difference between how they acted with him and how they acted with John-David. I regularly saw them laughing and joking and talking with John-David but did not see this a lot with Josh.”

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“The other siblings seemed to be a bit standoffish. John David and him got on fairly well but that was about it.”

Josh Was the Spoiled Eldest:

“I would say so yes [he did receive special treatment],” Bowman stated.

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“There was a lot that came with being the oldest sibling and that was fairly ingrained in him from a young age I think. Supposed to be a leader and what not.

“He was definitely kind of the favorite [of Jim Bob and Michelle].

"He was gone a lot when I was first around (kept getting sent away for doing things we never talked about) but they definitely treated him like he was special.”

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The Duggars Used Corporal Punishment:

“They never yelled but they did spank with a tiny little plastic rod called the ‘rod of encouragement,’” Fedosky explained.

“That’s what they called it. But it was always done behind closed doors and not in front of the rest do the family or kids.

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“It was about 2 feet long. Gray, with a little knob at the end that you could hold on to. I don’t actually know what it was or it’s original purpose was.

“They introduced my mom to it too lol,” he continued.

“But they were very big on not publicly shaming someone. So if a kid got in trouble they would take them to the room and everyone knew they were getting spanked but they did not do it in front of people.”

Jim Bob Duggar Confessional Photo

The Duggar Kids Did as They Were Told:

“They were all very obedient,” Bowman said.

“Never saw a lot of rebellion from them as teens and what I saw from kids was pretty much just the younger ones being kids and maybe getting upset about something or raising their voice which they would get called out on. But I never saw any public discipline really.

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"They would go and ‘have a talk’ and that was how things were handled.”

Asked if he ever heard any of the Duggars swear, Bowman wrote, “Not once.”

Jessa Once Sat in Pee on Purpose:

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“I was sitting across from this couch and Jessa comes over and sits right down in the urine and I was like ‘you know there was pee right there right?’" Fedosky recalled.

"And she with a completely blank face goes ‘I know, we can’t change our clothes unless they get dirty and I want to wear something else,’” Bowman recalled. “I was like damn this girl is different.” 

Jana Is Essentially a Slave:

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“I don’t doubt that she feels a responsibility to help out and help raise the kids which to be honest, I haven’t kept up with them or the show but there would not be a lot of time for dating or courting if you are doing all of that so it doesn’t surprise me,” Bowman said in response to a question about Jana.

“I hope she is happy at least.” 

“I imagine she makes her own money but she likely still honors the ‘my house my rules’ thing which would mean asking his permission for things.”

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“Jana was always really reserved and soft-spoken and I usually only saw her get more ‘herself’ when she and Jill were together and then she would perk up a bit,” he continued.

“Also her and [John-David] would joke around a lot and it was obvious they had a strong connection.”

It’s Very Hard to Leave the Duggar Way of Life:

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“When I started drifting away from the church scene after moving out, my mom made it clear to a lot of people that ‘Satan had a hold on Bowman’ and I slowly stopped coming around and going to places where I felt judged so I stopped hanging out with just about everyone that was still part of that group,” he said.

“I’m sorry to see Jill go through it but I’m glad and think she is making the right choice for herself and her family.”

With any luck, Bowman will continue to speak out about his experiences with this dangerously cultish society.

And we’ll continue to bring you updates when he does.