90 Day Fiance star Angela Deem has undergone a lot of expensive surgery to transform her body.
All long, she claimed that her primary goal was to improve her health.
Even so, she balked when a doctor demanded that she quit smoking before her facelift.
Angela did agree, though. But she has once again been spotted smoking.
On Season 6, Episode 7, Angela Deem reeived some bad news.
Dr. David Saadat postponed her facelift.
The reason was that she was still smoking, and that creates huge health hazards — including for surgery.
This isn’t about Dr. Saadat wanting Angela to be healthier.
It also isn’t about him wishing that she cared enough about other people (she doesn’t) to consider their rights and feelings.
At the end of the day, it’s about medical ethics. He doesn’t want her to die on his operating table.
He will be nicotine testing Angela because obviously her word isn’t worth anything.
She is stunned and frustrated that she cannot lie, bully, or "charm" her way out of this.
Angela is also required to sign a contract.
If she refuses the nicotine test or fails to pass it, her surgery will be canceled.
Additionally, per her contract, she will have to pay a cancelation fee — a great incentive.
She has only four weeks to go, so naturally, Angela is immediately shown smoking in the car.
In the previews for Season 6, Episode 8, Angela is shown smoking her "last" cigarette.
It is a visibly emotional moment for her.
Angela also reveals that she intends to try hypnotherapy to help her quit.
Clearly, getting her facelift matters much more to her than her own health or that of people forced to be around her.
But that’s it, right?
The infamously selfish Angela is done terrorizing other people’s noses and lungs with smoke?
Of course not!
Angela Deem attended a party and shared the above photo to her Instagram Stories.
The new pic, clearly taken many months after this was filmed, shows her with a lit cigarette in her hand.
Interestingly, the lavish party includes her manager, Gina Rodriguez.
Natasha Fett, her patient coordinator, and Dr. Obeng are there.
Angela also brought her daughter, Skyla (not to be confused with Scottie, the convicted child-molester) to the shindig.
Angela has been smoking for so long that, when she began smoking, it was considered socially acceptable.
But a lot has changed since the 1970s, from medical knowledge to concepts of social courtesy.
Angela, however, seems interested in changing her looks and her body but never her toxic behavior, no matter how it impacts others.
If this were just about Angela having a destructive habit, well … that would be none of anyone’s business.
However, smoking is not a personal choice.
Especially not the way that Angela does it.
Angela smokes in cars. She smokes in hotel rooms.
She will just reach into her bra, whip out a lighter and a carton of cigarettes, and begin smoking anywhere that no one is brave enough to stop her.
It seems that not even having to quit for four weeks, which she presumably did, can keep her from committing olfactory terrorism.
It’s interesting that she has repeatedly claimed that her weight loss surgery was for her "heatlh."
She specifically cited trouble breathing as a cause for wanting dramatic weight loss.
In reality, smoking was probably doing much more harm to her body than the "extra" 100 pounds that she has shed.