Kody Brown has some regrets, folks.
And they, sadly, have a lot to do with Meri Brown, his marriage to Meri Brown and basically all things these days related to Meri Brown.

On this past Sunday’s episode of Sister Wives, Kody and Meri visited a therapist in Las Vegas.
It was made clear this session was booked at the behest of Meri, who has openly been unhappy in her relationship for years and years now.
Most of the chatter around this installment in the last couple days has centered around Meri’s self-proclaimed death sentence in regard to the union, as she said on air that her romance with Kody is dead.
"The relationship between he and I is gone, it’s dead, it’s over," Meri said back when the episode was filmed.

This was the clearest the long-serving spouse has ever been on the subject.
She and Kody got married in 1990, but then divorced soon after Kody met his fourth wife, Robyn, so that he could legally adopt Robyn’s kids.
Meri and Kody share one daughter, Mariah, themselves.
And while most of the attention paid to this emotional episode in the time since it aired has honed in on Meri’s candid admission, it’s worth noting what Kody said about the marriage.

"Meri and I have just soft-pedaled this for so long," he told viewers of why he agreed to speak to a counseling, adding:
"Meri said, ‘Hey can we get a little deeper?’ I think she’s felt like we needed to make a step deeper into our relationship.
"Honestly, it’s time. It’s time for us to actually take the temperature of our relationship."
That temperature appears to be ice cold at the moment.

Based on Meri’s recent Instagram messages, she may finally be ready to walk away from Kody.
And based on what Kody said on this episode, he wishes he never walked down the aisle with Meri in the first place.
"Meri and I had a very fast courtship. I didn’t know who I was marrying," he confessed for the first time on air, implying he regrets even being Meri’s husband and adding of how he’s felt around her for awhile at this point:
"I am just done with hearing how I am wrong."

Back in 2015, Meri tried to date someone else — and ended up being caught in a catfishing scandal.
But Kody has now made it clear that his problems with Meri go far beyond that one humiliating incident.
“My question in my life is how do I have a relationship with somebody that after knowing for years, I don’t want a relationship because of the hurt and the struggle and stuff. And I’m not blaming Meri here," he said.
"I’m just saying we’re trying to heal a very very deep wound in a sick body and it’s a challenge."

Added Kody in a confessional:
"This struggle that I’m having is way deeper than the catfishing experience. The catfishing was really just a wake-up call for Meri and I.
"Our problem ran much deeper than that and it’s probably why we led up to why the catfishing ever happened."
That’s actually an accurate assessment.
But so is this:
It sounds as if these problems have only worsened in the years since, and it definitely sounds like Meri has to finally get up the courage to leave this unhealthy marital arrangement.