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It finally happened for Colton Underwood on The Bachelor this week.

He finally got it out of his system.

What? No. We aren’t talking about the reality star having sex; nor are we referring to the semen that will leave his penis once he does complete this romantic act.

Very Sad The Bachelor

Instead, we’re referring to the legendary fence leap that has been teased in nearly every The Bachelor promo leading up to last night’s episode.

How did this end up happening? From what was Colton running and jumping? Let’s get into it, shall we?

And we’ll begin our recap by honing in on Cassie and Colton, who explored Portugal during their one-on-one outing.

The former quizzed the latter about his hometown conversations with her family from the previous installment, as Colton shared that her dad did NOT give his permission to propose.

This really threw Cassie for a loop.

She was confused, aghast and upset that Colton didn’t tell her at the time.

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In between the day and night portion of the date, Cassie’s father, Matt, actually showed up at her hotel to dissuade her from sticking it out with Colton.

This was a Bachelor first!

The concerned parent reasoned that if Cassie knew Colton was truly The One… she would already know this. She wouldn’t have any doubts whatsoever.

And the speech worked. Cassie said goodbye to her dad and realized that she did have many questions about her future with Colton.

This led to an evening into which Colton was ready to lose his virginity… and Cassie was ready to walk away entirely. AWKWARD!

However,  she started second guessing herself, telling Colton she loved him so much, yet was not in love with him. There really is a difference, you guys.

She wasn’t certain if she could “get there” with him, but he said he could be patient. Colton assured Cassie that he was in love with her and wanted her to be there at the end.

But it was too late.

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Cassie ended their literal made-for-television romance, leaving Colton crying and shaking uncontrollably in response.

After she left, Colton knocked the camera out of his face and stormed off, saying he was “done with this.”

Producers called for iconic host Chris Harrison, who began pursuing Underwood — to no avail.

“He just jumped the f-cking fence,” the host exclaimed.

Colton got ahead of the cameras by hopping over the partition before Harrison could follow, while producers and Harrison screamed for Colton in the desolate area, with no sign of the Bachelor.

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This was how the episode concluded, as viewers were left to wonder whether Colton will even return.

(The Bachelor Spoilers Alert: He will.)

But some other stuff happened during the emotional episode as well.

For example, Colton had a one-on-one date with Tayshia, at which time they took a helicopter to a lighthouse and Colton made a bunch of virgin jokes.

Tayshia was ready to f-ck the sh-t out of Colton Colton after she confessing she was in love with him, while also revealing ahead of the fantasy suite that her ex-husband cheated on her.

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In the hotel room, things didn’t really get hot and heavy.

More like candid and interesting.

Colton talked about his actual level of experience as follows:

“I’ve been very close … I mean, I’ve pretty much done every … I’ve experienced in other ways."

The twosome kissed on the bed and fed each other dessert.

However, the next morning, Tayshia called the evening “interesting” before confirming that she and Colton did NOT get it on.

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Their night together merely validated her feelings for Colton, though.

Sadly for TayTay, however, Colton later explained to the camera that he knew he wasn’t ready to take the next step because he wasn’t in love with Tayshia.

Where will Cassie’s departure and Colton’s realization about Tayshia take our star next?

Tune in to ABC for the Women Tell All Special tonight to find out!