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If you watch Counting On online, you know that Jill Duggar and her husband, Derick Dillard, spent much of 2016 performing missionary work in Central America.

The Dillards returned to Arkansas last summer, but they made it clear from the start that they were itching to get back to what they consider their life’s work.

We guess they don’t find reality TV stardom quite as fulfilling as the rest of the family.

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Anyway, despite the fact that Jill is pregnant with her second child these days, the couple headed back toward the equator this week, announcing their departure from the States only after they had arrived in El Salvador.

The Dillards revealed that they would be returning to missionary work last week in a blog post published on their personal website:

"Through our ministry and your support, we can help support local churches, and impact hundreds of lives on a daily basis," Jill and Derick wrote.

"Once a week we go into villages hit hard by violence, and provide various skills training for adults, Bible study, kids programs, and crafts."

They added:

"On average we help over 40 adults and children every week."

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Of course, the blog post provided not only an opportunity for Jill and Derick to pat themselves on the back, but also a chance to hit fans up for donations.

"We hope you’ll consider partnering with us in this mission. In addition to the ministry outreach expenses, there are always monthly expenses for groceries, utilities, fuel, healthcare, etc." they wrote.

"For example, if only 600 families were willing to donate a one-time gift of $40, it would completely cover our remaining ministry expenses for this term."

Oh, is that all?

Any way we can just cut out the middleman and send the cash directly to the impoverished citizens of El Salvador?

Jill and Derick were initially vague about the details of their plan, but they posted this photo last night, revealing that they’re once again traveling abroad:

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The image appears to show Derick preaching to a congregation of El Salvadorans.

“We are so happy to be back in Central America!” Jill captioned it.

As for when they’ll return to Tontitown, Jill assures People magazine that she and Derick will return to attend to one very important matter:

“We will come back for the birth of the baby,” she tells the magazine.

No word yet on Jill’s due date, but Duggar watchers believe she and Derick will come back to the US some time in late spring.