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The 1996 murder of JonBenet Ramsey remains unsolved, but Burke Ramsey is certain of one thing.

He did not kill his sister.

Burke is so sure that he’s suing forensic pathologist Werner Spitz Burke for claiming he killed the little girl on the CBS special, The Case of: JonBenét Ramsey.

The $150 million defamation suit alleges that Spitz “explicitly and falsely stat[ing] that Burke Ramsey killed his sister, JonBenét Ramsey.”

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The lawsuit accuses Spitz of “having a disturbing history of making false statements related to the brutal murder of young girls.”

Burke’s lawyer, John Lesko stated in the October 6th filing that 

"Defendant Spitz has once again interjected himself into a high profile case to make unsupported, false and sensational statements and accusations — this time accusing Burke Ramsey of JonBenét’s brutal murder.

"In the Interview, Defendant Spitz claims Burke, age 9 at the time of his sister’s death, bludgeoned her to death.

"Defendant Spitz made this accusation without ever examining JonBenét’s body, without viewing the crime scene, and without consulting with the pathologist who performed the autopsy on JonBenét."

Burke agreed to do a series of interviews with Dr. Phil to "honor" his sister’s memory.

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The 29-year-old Purdue University graduate is aware that people think he killed his sister, but he insists that he did not do it.

Therefore, his filing requests that Spitz "remove and retract all defamatory statements."

Burke spoke to Dr. Phil about his sister’s death, and the chaos that ensued inside the family’s Colorado home.

"Iremember my mom searching my room that night saying, ‘Where’s my baby? Where’s my baby?’” Burke said.

The funeral, Burke added, is not yet a distant memory.

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"I remember the viewing. The casket was small. Her eyes were closed."

The lawsuit is a particularly sensitive issue for Burke, as he’s aware that the public still blames him and his parents – Patsy, who died of ovarian cancer in 2006, and John – for the death.

"I know people think I did it, that my parents did it," he said. "I know that we were suspects."