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Monday on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11 Episode 11, new alliances were formed following a shocking turn of events.

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The big issue on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11 Episode 11 was the aftermath of Vicki Gunvalson’s ATV accident.

And, more specifically, Meghan King Edmonds and Shannon Beador making the controversial decision not to visit the injured Gunvalson.

Tamra Judge, Heather Dubrow and Kelly Dodd weren’t too happy about it after the wreck at the Imperial Sand Dunes in Glamis, California.

Vicki was taken to the ER in a helicopter, so Judge, Dubrow and Dodd couldn’t go with her; Edmonds was at home, 45 minutes away.

Edmonds didn’t visit her, nor did she mince words.

"Of course I don’t want Vicki to be hurt, but I don’t want to go visit Vicki in the hospital because I’m not her friend," she said.

Kelly and Tamra

Beador felt similarly, she told the cameras.

"I’m not friends with Vicki," she explained.

"I was an incredible friend to Vicki and all she did was betray me. Right now, I’m not rushing over to sit by a woman that fakes cancer."

Their co-stars weren’t buying it, however.

"I think it’s complete bulls–t," Kelly Dodd said. "If somebody is in dire need of help, I’m going to be there whether I’m their friend or not."

"And I would do it out of human decency."

Dubrow was also especially frustrated.

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Nevertheless, Edmonds and Beador debated just how traumatic the crash was, and what was motivating their non-friends’ faux outrage. 

"It’s hard to gauge the severity of this accident when Heather and Kelly are laughing and popping a beer," Beador said of their co-stars.

They also wondered if Vicki was exaggerating her injuries.

"If I’m real injured and I’m in a helicopter, you’re not going to find me taking selfies of myself," Beador admitted, raising a valid concern. 

"It’s hard for me with my past with Vicki to truly believe that Vicki is hurt when she said she is," Edmonds said, agreeing with her.

"Because all she’s done is lie, lie, lie."

Tamra told another story, though.

Tamra proceeded to ream out Meghan:

"I can’t believe that not one of you could go see if Vicki was okay – I can’t believe it," Judge said. "She went home. Her clothes were cut off of her."

"She had nobody there. She had to Uber it home at 1 o’clock in the morning. And she’s in a neck brace with a paper gown on."

"Why couldn’t you have at least called her and see if she needed like something to wear? You didn’t care. She’s in the friggin’ hospital, airlifted."

"And no one even wondered. Go to hell."

Edmonds quickly changed her mind, and traveled to Gunvalson’s house, even though "everybody knows that Vick and I aren’t besties."

"But hearing about the accident from Tamra makes me realize that I Shannon and I might have misjudged the severity of the situation."

"Yes, Vicki has lied a lot in the past. But I do realize now this accident was bad. Vicki actually was hurt," Meghan said, humbled.

"So I want her to know that I care."

Meghan King Edmonds 'The Real Housewives of Orange County Premiere Party
(Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images)

Gunvalson was still in pain, wearing a brace to support her neck, which was in spasms, but she said emotionally was where it truly hurt.

"I was just really bummed about about you and Shannon," Gunvalson said. "I was just laying there like, ‘I’m going to die – by myself.’"

"Then I thought, ‘Well I’m not going to die – but now it sucks that I’m laying her naked.’ I had nothing. I had no sweatpants, no gym shoes."

"They took everything off of me. I thank you for coming over but I don’t know why it takes a near death experience to have compassion."

Edmonds apologized to Gunvalson.

"I’m sorry," she said, bawling. "I am. I wish I could turn back time but I don’t want to dwell on this because I wasn’t trying to be mean."

"I’m sorry I let you down," she said, with apparent sincerity and humility. "Truly, from the bottom of my heart, I’m sorry I let you down."

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As for Beador, she seemed to escape much of the blame, explaining that "I just don’t want to be her good friend anymore," but nevertheless:

"I want to be very clear on this – I’ve made my decision that I don’t want to be friends with [Vicki] as discussed," she told Judge and Dubrow. 

"Meghan was telling me that story as it wasn’t that bad. Had I known that it was very serious, I would have been there first thing in the morning."

"Because that’s the kind of person I was."  

She left a nice voicemail for Vicki too, even joking that "I’m the last a–hole to do it," but again, "I didn’t know how severe it was. Now I do."

"Vicki might not be favorite person right now but if someone is injured, I want them to let them know that I’m thinking about them."

"I’m not that much of an a–hole."