Well, we guess it’s official.
For weeks now, we’ve been hearing rumors that Kylie is dating PartyNextDoor, a 22-year-old Canadian singer/rapper/human invitation who’s signed to Drake’s OVO Sound record label.

Neither party has confirmed the relationship, but now they may not have to.
You see, Kylie has a history of making it official with music video cameos.
She appeared in Tyga’s "Stimulated" video back when there was still some doubt as to whether or not those two were actually friends with statutory benefits:

She later took a speaking role in the clip for the rapper’s single "Dope’d Up," but the less said about Kylie’s acting skills, the better.
Anyway, Kylie and Tyga are officially a thing of the past, but she’s keeping the tradition of confirming her romances on Vevo alive and well.
Check out the video for Mr. NextDoor’s new single "Come And See Me."
Yes, it’s basically an informercial for PND and Kylie’s relationship.
Whoever directed this thing was so certain that everyone’s eyes would be on the interaction between Kylie and Party that he basically half-assed his way through the rest of the shoot.
Kylie brews like a quarter inch of tea for some reason; the exact same shot of some big, bearded Wildling-looking dude playing pool is used twice; and most of the video consists of people hanging out in what appears to be some sort of chill ski lodge.
There’s even product placement for Kylie’s lip kit, because the folks who made this thing knew your conscious mind would be checking out for most of the 3:45 runtime.
Then, at the 3:10 mark – BAM! – Kylie and PND make out in the rain like they’re starring in some sort of low-budget sequel to The Notebook.
Maybe it’s not the Kylie Jenner sex tape you were hoping for, but it’s pretty interesting stuff.
Unless you’re Tyga.
If you are, look away, bruh! Bruh! Look away!