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Part two of The Real Housewives of New York City reunion show really ramped up the intensity last night, thanks especially to Ramona Singer.

When host Andy Cohen asked Ramona about her divorce from husband Mario and the current state of the longtime duo’s relationship, Singer bristled.

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Watch The Real Housewives of New York City Season 6 Episode 22 Online

"Everyone in my family is doing well," Singer said, declining to elaborate because of her daughter. "Mario and I are together … Let’s go to someone else."

"Thanks, Andy," she added, clearly annoyed this subject even came up.

When Cohen tried to push the envelope, Ramona pushed back harder: "So, how’s your love life? Who are you going to have sex with tonight? Tell me."

"I’ll tell you when I go on a reality show," Cohen said.

"You’re on a reality show," Singer told her producer.


"I’m actually not, honey," Andy responded, and he’s right, Ramona’s claim to privacy vanished the second she signed on as a cast member.

At that point LuAnn de Lesseps interjected, recalling that Singer had previously accused her and her ex of having an open relationship, zinging her co-star:

"It’s hard when your other half cheats on you, Ramona."

"Don’t even go there!" Singer yelled, clearly wishing there were wine available. "I want this closed down! Stop it, Andy. I don’t want to talk about it."

"I’m done with Stonewall Jackson over here," he said.

"Karma’s a bitch," de Lesseps added … BURN.

LuAnn then turned her attention to Sonja Morgan, who if you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you know "just hasn’t been a real friend."

"I have friends sometimes I don’t see them for two years," Morgan tried to protest after LuAnn said she doesn’t trust her. "I’m still their friend."

Carole Radziwill and Aviva Drescher then revived their heated BookGate feud, in which infamously Drescher implied that Radziwill used a ghostwriter.

When Cohen asked Drescher if she felt she was knowingly slandering Radziwill’s career, she said, "It seems like she was just protesting too much."

When Radziwill called her BookGate critic’s accusations and memories of their conversations "weird," Aviva Drescher exploded again at her co-star.

"Use your vocabulary, writer-girl!" Drescher yelled across the room. "You’re not that important of a writer. Nobody gives a s–t who wrote your book!"

At least no legs where thrown during the taping.

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