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Touche! Next Media Animation has posted a response to former employee Marina Shifrin, who danced her way out of a job in a video that went viral this week.

Jaded twenty-something Shifrin posted a video of herself announcing her exit from the Taiwanese video animation company and dancing to Kanye West’s "Gone."

Now her spurned employer is looking to have the last laugh, though:

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The company’s takeoff of Shifrin’s "I Quit" message? "We’re hiring!"

The video by NMA – the company that makes those hilarious animated, Asian reenactments of current events – makes a few tongue-in-cheek references to Shifrin’s.

Pitching potential candidates with the perks of the job, it lists the apparent opportunities to satisfy your boss’ need for revenge among the selling points.

Who’s the winner here, NMA or Marina Shifrin? You decide …

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