Lindsay Lohan pulled a dumb move Monday, even by her lofty standards. She could have avoided jail time, again, by accepting a plea deal for “lockdown rehab.”
Instead, she fired her longtime lawyer, Shawn Holley, who was literally on the way to the courthouse to make it happen … that’s really smart, Lindsay. Brava.
Refresher: The Santa Monica City Attorney’s office is prosecuting Lindsay for allegedly lying to cops after her June car crash on Pacific Coast Highway.
They were willing to keep Lindsay out of jail, under the condition that she agree to check into serious, in-patient rehab for at least six months.
No question, that would suck for Lohan … but wouldn’t it be beneficial in the long run? Especially compared to the eight months in jail she could face?
Lindsay Lohan, broke, is coming close to the end of her rope.
After violating probation and with a laundry list of legal problems, it was shaping up to be the lesser of however many evils are staring LiLo in the face.
She also faces additional jail time for a probation violation in the jewelry heist case because she allegedly lied to law enforcement after the crash.
The judge could’ve agreed to end both cases if she went to rehab, and Holley was on her way to court to meet with prosecutors and make it happen.
Shawn never made it to court, because the hot mess fired her and hired a new lawyer who was suspended in the ’90s from practicing for five years.
There’s a hearing scheduled for 8:30 a.m. PT, and Shawn will probably show up because she’s still counsel of record … maybe LiLo will come to her senses?
If she stays on the case, prosecutors could present the deal to her, but it’s unclear where Lindsay Lohan’s head is at right now … or just in general.
Lindsay Lohan: Lock her up?