Lindsay Lohan may be “in compliance” with the terms of her DUI probation, but a judge ordered the star to step it up with her alcohol education classes.
“I am going to order [that] this has to be done. It’s been long enough,” Judge Marsha Revel declared at L.A. Superior Court in Beverly Hills on Tuesday.
The train wreck must now start “attending every single week” in order to fulfill the more than six months of program time necessary by July 15, 2010.
“This has to be the top priority whether she has a job somewhere else or something else comes up,” Revel said. “This has to be done once a week.”
Lindsay Lohan needs more AA meetings. And food. Holy crap, girl, you are looking pretty gaunt these days. Yech. [Photo:]
The judge reiterated that Lindsay Lohan’s other projects – whatever the hell those are – should not take precedence over her alcohol education program.
“Right now, the other things will take second place and this will take first place,” Revel declared, setting a new Lohan progress hearing for February 18.
Guess those topless photos in random magazines will have to come second. As will updating her family’s website with the latest old clothes she’s selling.
Proving she’s not entirely useless, Lindsay Lohan recently spent a week in India, making a documentary on human trafficking of women and children with BBC.