Anna Kournikova raced to the finish line in a triathalon relay over the weekend, but is 100 percent certain Andy Roddick will beat her to the altar.
At the First Annual Nautica South Beach Triathalon, Anna talked to People about the engagement of tennis star Andy Roddick and Brooklyn Decker.
“They’re really young, but I hope it works out,” she said.
As for her own prospects with boyfriend Enrique Iglesias?
“I’m never getting married,” she said. “Everything is good.”
Meanwhile, Anna Kournikova may have run four miles as part of a women’s relay team and come in first in the women’s celebrity division for St Jude’s Children’s Hospital, but to her it wasn’t “very much.”
“I just did the four-mile run,” she said. “But I just was really doing my normal exercise that I normally do … I exercise about an hour a day.”
Few things are finer than an Anna Kournikova bikini photo. Except for the image of Anna Kournikova naked. Not gonna find that here though.
The exercise regimen of Anna Kournikova includes a full 30 minutes of hitting the weights and 45 minutes of cardio, she explained: “I love the feeling of sweating. I’ve been exercising my whole life so I really love it.”
Just don’t count on her to stick to a diet all the time.
“I try to eat as healthy as I can, which is not always possible,” she said.
But, you know, I have my Burger King and McDonalds days, too.”
Maybe that’s why, unlike Maria Sharapova, Anna sucked at tennis. Well, at least compared to the top players. She’d still whoop your ass 6-0, 6-1.