Ashley Dupre, a.k.a. Spitzer Girl, went crazy in Florida for “Girls Gone Wild,” as we reported earlier (and as Joe Francis was willing to pay $1M for her to do, before realizing he already had mucho archive footage of her).
That’s funny enough, but it gets weirder (and skeevier). Ashley may have been underage when she was filmed naked on the “Girls Gone Wild” bus.
Her lawyer, Don Buchwald, says Ashley Dupre was born April 30, 1985, and the footage was shot between March 13 and March 20, 2003, making her … 17!

Ashley Alexandra Dupre was a girl gone wild… at age 17.
But “Girls Gone Wild” CEO Joe Francis says even if she was 17, Florida and Federal law permits her to be filmed in any state of undress … as long as she consents and there is no “sexual contact.” Joe says (he would know) there was none.
However, in a statement, Joe Francis says GGW has a “corporate policy” not to use girls under 18, and thus has “delayed the release of [Ashley Dupre] nude footage on the Internet and are investigating the matter.”
Somewhere, Eric Stapelman is smiling. Not just because he likes nude photos of hot girls, but because Francis is certainly shadier and more disliked than him.