She might complain in private, but all too often, Elizabeth Potthast defends Andrei.
If that means throwing her family under the bus for her husband’s pride, she’ll do it.
After last weekend’s 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? episode, Chuck suggested a bonding activity to mend the rifts.
It backfired, leading to Libby actively lunging at one of her sisters during a physical altercation.

Andrei Castravet is rude, insists that he’s smarter and better than other people, and rubs many fans the wrong way.
Elizabeth doesn’t understand why people don’t see him the way that she does.
(Libby might want to consider that Andrei is boning her, which might cloud her perceptions a little)

Becky is already an employee in the family business.
From the start, she was adamant that Andrei’s inclusion would not cut into her work or profits.
Of particular concern to her is the way that Andrei seems to want to skip to the top instead of working his way up.

In recent episodes, Jenn has been a bit more sympathetic to Elizabeth’s concerns.
But that doesn’t mean that she’s enthusiastic about Andrei’s role in the family business.
Andrei is quick to call out rudeness directed at him, but always seems to find it justified when he’s the one being rude.

Charlie is arguably the worst when it comes to having confrontations with Andrei.
He is much more confrontational with Andrei than anyone else.
It is possible that he is so abrasive because no one else is willing to do it, but it makes him look bad.

Meanwhile, Chuck just wants everyone to get along, and is relieved that Andrei is finally getting a job.
This is why he gathered is family on a boat to share his plans for a bonding activity.
But, as we saw in the previews at the end of Season 6, Episode 6, things don’t quite go as planned.

Now, we are seeing all of this play out in a sneak peek of Sunday’s episode.
Chuck explains to his family, including Andrei and other in-laws, his vision.
They will all gather in a large RV and go on a road trip together to bond as a family.

The siblings immediately have misgivings.
Even when Chuck clarifies that it will be a massive vehicle, it sounds a little cramped.
But their biggest concern is the company that they will be keeping.

"Two days in an RV with a guy who’s trying to take advantage of you," Charlie says to Chuck.
He adds: "After everything that’s happened, like, I’m good."
Charlie declares: "I’m not driving up in an RV with y’all."

Even though Andrei feels similarly, this sets off Libby.
"What the f–k’s up with everyone, like, dogging on my husband?" Elizabeth complains as if she were new here.
"I don’t understand," she says. "What did he ever do to you guys?"

It’s not clear if that his rhetorical or if Elizabeth is asking for a list.
But Becky agrees with Charlie to some degree, labeling Andrei as "a manipulator."
This leads to a face-to-face confrontation between her and Libby.

Becky calls Elizabeth "two-faced" and they wave their fingers in each other’s faces.
Becky makes the first move, grabbing Elizabeth’s finger to move it away from her face.
But Elizabeth explodes at this, shoving Becky and lunging at her while the entire family moves to separate.

Libby then pulls her best Lisa Rinna impression, which we will award a B Minus.
"You don’t f–king talk to my husband that way!" Elizabeth wails as she begins to cry.
She furiously accuses Becky: "You’re a jealous bitch."