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Absolutely everyone has been talking about the coronavirus pandemic, whether their stances are smart or deeply and stupidly dangerous.

You’d have to be sealed up in a bunker with no word from the outside world to not know … like the German cast of Big Brother.

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That’s right, folks.

Until this week, the cast of Germany’s Big Brother series was blissfully unaware of the global pandemic of COVID-19.

See, the Season 13 cast has been thoroughly sequestered since February 10 of this year.

At the time, the coronavirus was likened by most major media outlets as being comparable to the flu.

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Also at the time, almost all known cases of the virus were in Wuhan, China.

One month later, and most of the world is on lockdown in some form or another.

Countless millions of workers and students are working and studying from home. Countless others have lost their employment.

Germany has about 14,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases and rising. It was time to tell the Big Brother stars.

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The accompanying video is entirely in German. This is, after all, a German show.

But it starts with producers walking the cast through what’s going on, comparing coronavirus to the flu, explaining the symptoms and spread.

He quickly — and repeatedly — assures the cast that they have contacted their families and loved ones and that all of them are okay.

Then, he explains that they are separated by a wall of glass because they want to keep them safe, as they all live in close quarters.

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He explains that life is still relatively normal, under some restrictions.

Instead of explaining that much of the world is working and schooling remotely, he rambles about the mask debate a little.

(There are two major types of mask, one that is helpful and requires special training, another that is considerably less helpful)

The cast is then explained that people can still move through different parts of Germany, trying to give an idea of life at the moment.

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Towards the end of the clip, it is acknowledged that the cast had wondered about certain things.

While they have no news or conversations with the outside world, they are accustomed to hearing applause during talks with producers.

Naturally, with no audiences of any real size permitted, the cast did not hear a chamber full of clapping.

Humorously, they are told that since indoor gatherings are limited to 5 people, they have a better "cuddling" situation than the rest of the world.

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Well, now we want to see a post-apocalyptic horror movie with protagonists who were all in a luxurious bunker when the world ended.

There have been a few stories told like that, but I can’t think of any where they were all the cast of a reality show.

At any rate, it’s good that they know and were made aware, and you can watch their expressions of emtional distress in the video that we have included.

Their faces may look subdued but remember, they’re German. Their grimaces and nervous glances are like an American wailing and screaming.