Throughout the last couple of seasons of Sister Wives, Kody Brown clashed with all his Sister Wives. This was blatantly obvious really.
At various points, Kody took issue with Meri, Christine, Robyn and Janelle – the four spouses he has taken to date.
He’s been upset because he wanted to build one big house on their land in Flagstaff, Arizona, and his idea was shot down, and he’s been mad about how some of his wives handled the pandemic.
He’s also not too fond about them, like, doing things or even proposing doing things that don’t benefit him explicitly.
Despite arguing with all four of his spouses over the course of these recent seasons, astute viewers could read between the lines.
They could tell who Kody loved, despite the occasional disagreement, and who he seemed truly sick and tired of at this point.
This got us thinking here at THG: Is there a clear favorite for Kody among the aforementioned better halves?
How would he rank Meri, Christine, Robyn and Janelle; from Kody’s most-hated to his most-loved? How would we?!
Your response to this loaded question may be different from ours, and his, but consider the rankings below.
For the Record…

… we think Kody is selfish and sexist and all four wives should leave HIM. We just wanna go on record with that opinion because we know how it would be interpreted, this ranking, as if the wives are somehow not worthy of Kody.
Let’s Get To It Then, Shall We?

Kody married Meri in 1990, Janelle in 1993, Christine in 1994 and and Robyn in 2010… although one the latter marriage is legal and legitimate, so Kody could officially adopt Robyn’s kids.
Who is His Least Favorite Wife?

This is sadly easy. The answer is Meri. And we’re very confident that both Meri and Kody would agree.
Why Do We Say This?

Well… Meri posted just one photo of Kody on Instagram in 2020, and none so far this year. They went on exactly one “date” last year to celebrate their 30th anniversary, but they called it a “non-anniversary” because “we’re not a couple.” On top of that, Meri is constantly sharing cryptic quotes about finding herself and about how one deserves to be with someone who seems value/worth in him/her.

“The relationship between he and I is gone, it’s dead, it’s over,” Meri told a therapist on a Sister Wives episode that aired last year.
Kody Doubled Down, Too

In his own confessional, Kody said that “Meri and I had a very fast courtship. I didn’t know who I was marrying.” He then confessed to basically regretting having ever married Meri. So… yeah. She comes in last.
Low Blow, Kody

Let’s also not forget that Kody admitted on television that he and Meri do not sleep together anymore because âÂÂRomance and sex are saved in my world for people who are in love.” Yeah, she’s definitely the least favorite.
Christine Comes in Third

Next up is Christine, who has also had massive issues with Kody in the last few years.
Why Isn’t She Higher?

Christine has voiced her anti-polygamy palace opinion the loudest. She made it as clear as possible that she did NOT want to live under the same roof as the other women.
Heck to the NO!

âÂÂI would happily live next door to [my sister wives] for the rest of my life. Absolutely. With them? No, no. Have you met them?” Christine said way back in March 2019. She hasn’t waivered since and it’s caused friction between her and her husband.
“It’s Been So Hard!”

Christine broke down on Season 14 and uttered these tearful words to her daughter. Not one to typically rock the romantic boat, Christine’s connection to Kody has been seriously damaged by this house debate.

It’s also worth pointing out how terribly he handled Ysabel’s scoliosis surgery — he suggested the postpone it even though she was in severe pain, then said that she should travel across the country and have the surgery by herself, and the he even had the nerve to say that Christine was trying to manipulate him by telling him how much pain their daughter was in. Christine told him he was being stupid, and that was correct.
There It Is

Just in the last season she said that she feels like a single mom, that Kody only comes around for a few hours once or twice a week and stays on his phone most of the time anyway. She also tearfully admitted that she didn’t think she could stay in the marriage.

During a conversation with Meri, Kody said âÂÂI feel immense pressure all the time for satisfying the emotional needs of a wife that I have sometimes no interest in satisfying, I have a wife who, I think, will never be happy. Basically, in all the years that I thought we were happy, she wasnâÂÂt.â He was clear that he wasn’t talking about her, and considering everything else, it’s pretty obvious he was referring to Christine.
Wait… Robyn Comes in Second?!?

Yes. Surprising, right? She’s long been considered Kody’s favorite because 1. She’s the youngest and 2. She is Kody’s only legal wife.
But Didn’t Kody Buy Robyn a House?

And yes, Kody bought her a big ol’ mansion, HOWEVER… she and Kody are plagued by financial problems related to this house, which hasn’t helped their marriage.

Robyn has probably clashed hardest with Kody over her living situation. She thought it would be a waste of money to buy even more property, while Kody continued to push for another purchase.
What Would Jesus Do?

Robyn and Kody have argued over their future to such an extent that both sides have referenced a higher power. âÂÂGod is not limited by the rules of this earth,â Robyn told her husband at one point. âÂÂAnd if He wants to provide the rental when He provides it, itâÂÂll be fine.â Kody replied by saying God wants the couple to buy another house.
How Bad Has It Gotten?

âÂÂIâÂÂve had some angry times with Kody. HeâÂÂs just been so pushy,” Robyn said on an episode last year, which partly prompted Kody to say he was considering “dissolving” his partnership with Robyn. Yes, he really said this!
That Leaves Janelle, Huh?

It sure does. Almost by default.
How Did She Rise to the Top?

Janelle actually raised her hand early on when Kody asked who would be down with living in one big mansion. Her relationship with him suffered the least amid this ongoing debate.
Polygamy Forever!

Janelle has also spoken out, often, in favor of plural marriage. “WeâÂÂve always been pretty compatible and our children have always been born neck and neck,” she said on the Season 14 finale, praising polygamy. ‘Christine and I did a lot more coteam, coparenting, just because we had the bulk of the children.âÂÂ
Remember Becoming Sister Wives?

The Browns released this book in 2012. In it, Janelle said she could live without the romance and attention because she prefers âÂÂintellectualâ conversation and âÂÂcompanionship” over anything else.
So, She Knew What She Was in For?

Yep, exactly. Janelle has never really sounded disappointed by her marriage to Kody, something almost no other wife can say.
… Good?

He and Janelle have always seemed close, more like great friends than some hot and heavy romance, and we’ve probably seen more sweet moments between them than between anyone else for the past few years.
It’s Close, Though

We’d accept an argument for Robyn still being number one, for sure. Sadly, we can all agree on one thing: Meri is last.