Piers Morgan is a man infamous for his refusal to be normal about anything. And, frankly, for his refusal to be pleasant.
There are people who are awkward and make social missteps and then correct them. Then there are people who double down on every rancid aspect of themselves. The latter describes Piers.
What’s he angry about this time? Anything related to gender, women, masculinity, or Meghan Markle is always a good guess.
This time, the unhinged reactionary is whining about Harry Styles and Sam Smith at the 2023 BRIT Awards. Of course.

Though it will come as no surprise considering that we’re discussing Piers Morgan, we have to warn you:
The tweets that we cover in this article contain elements of casual but explicit bigotry. Piers wouldn’t have it any other way.
It often seems like Piers expects uproarious laughter at the mere mention of anyone different from himself. And when the word “pronouns” doesn’t elicit the right result outside of his carefully curated echo chamber, he puts the world itself on blast.

So, for context, the Brit Awards went down over the weekend. Yes, other countries have their own awards shows.
Harry Styles took home an award for Artist of the Year. Obviously, everyone’s going to have opinions about that. But most people’s opinions are about the artist himself.
But a few publications decided to bait their more unhinged readers by taking great pains to remind everyone that “Artist of the Year” is a gender-neutral award category. Piers snapped at that bait with embarrassing eagerness.

“Man beats men to ‘gender-neutral’ award,” Piers began his tweet about Harry’s victory.
He wrote that this happened “after campaign by man now identifying as non-binary who came dressed as a giant balloon.”
After deliberately misgendering Sam Smith, Piers jabbed: “What a wonderful victory for the woke brigade!” What?

That last bit was mostly an excuse by Piers to get to mention, and thus misgender, Sam Smith.
Sam had one of the biggest hits of 2022. They and Kim Petras’ song, Unholy, was absolutely everywhere. It is no surprise that Piers loathed that a trans duo sang the song of the year.
With deliberately appalling grammer, Piers took a jab at Sam’s eye-catching awards show attire.

“Methinks ‘they’ is getting a teeny weeny bit over-thirsty for attention,” Piers wrote snidely.
Grown men freaking out because of an eye-catching awards show outfit is nothing new. (Literally, the whole point is to dress up in something spectacular — sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t)
But in Piers’ case, it appears that the main point of the jab was simply to insult Sam’s pronouns.

“Gender update: I’m now identifying as a complete berk,” Piers wrote on yet another tweet.
In this case, his fixation had clearly driven him to clumsily edit his head onto Sam Smith’s body. As if he, not they, were wearing the outfit that has him throwing such a fit.
Piers has chosen to live his life positively foaming at the mouth over how others live theirs. That is deeply sad.