After spending his entire life remaining silent at his family’s behest, Prince Harry is speaking out.
He has had a lot to share about his experiences, including accusing Prince William of attacking him.
Harry wants his family back. But he does not wish to be part of this archaic institution any longer.
What does that mean for his father’s upcoming coronation? Well, that’s not really up to Harry.

On Sunday, ITV News will air a new interview with Prince Harry.
Obviously, this week has seen a number of previews for this interview.
In one, anchor Tom Bradby asks Harry a simple question: “If you are invited to the Coronation, will you come?”

It can, at times, be easy to forget that certain parts of the UK take the royal family very seriously.
Charles’ coronation may sound like something out of a literal fairy tale, but it’s going to be a major event.
In fact, he has rejected the idea of dialing down the ceremony and will spare no expense — despite the country’s Brexit-induced economic woes.

The coronation will take place on May 6 of this year.
Charles has four months to determine whether he wants his younger son to attend the ceremony.
“There’s a lot that can happen between now and then,” Harry then freely acknowledged.

The Duke of Sussex is open to attending … but it’s not his decision.
“But, the door is always open,” he characterized, adding another idiom: “The ball is in their court.”
Harry acknowledged that “There’s a lot to be discussed and I really hope that they’re willing to sit down and talk about it.”

The ITV News’ tone is as critical of the Sussex couple as one might expect given the British accents of the interviewers.
The saga of Harry and Meghan has highlighted major cultural differences between how most American and British people view the royal family, the Duke and Duchess, and Meghan in particular.
While the coordinated harassment against Meghan stems from just a few people and institutions, there really are people who despise her. And frankly, you’ll find more of them on Beans-on-Toast Island than you will in America.

Harry knows that his family has portrayed him as a “villain” in a narrative that serves his brother’s image at the expense of his own.
Despite that and so much more, he still loves them.
“I would like to get my father back,” Harry expresses in the January 8 interview. “I would like to have my brother back.”