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Two months ago, the world learned a startling piece of information:

Big Ed Brown and Liz Woods were engaged despite a lot of ugly history and bitter breakups.

Either due to 90 Day Fiance NDAs or possibly a sense of shame, the pair did not announce this ominous news publicly.

Now, that has changed, as Ed and Liz have officially confirmed their engagement ahead of The Single Life Season 2’s premiere.

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Big Ed Brown and Liz Woods didn’t limit themselves to a quick nod on social media. 

Their official, formal engagement announcement came through People, with bells and whistles.

In addition to sharing the news, they also reflected upon the toxic ups and downs of their romance so far.

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"About a month before we got back together, I realized that I really didn’t appreciate who she was," Ed admitted.

"And," he said, "I don’t want to love anybody else."

Ed commented: "And never in a million years did I think that I would ever be together with Liz — it’s just surreal."

Big Ed Brown Kisses Liz Woods

Ed claims that going to therapy has helped him to become a better person.

"I wasn’t a good person, I wasn’t a good boyfriend," he confessed, confirming what viewers have long known.

"I didn’t treat Liz like she deserved to be treated," Ed admitted.

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"I wasn’t a good listener," Ed added.

"That was all about me," he characterized.

In hindsight, Ed realized, "I was so consumed with [myself]."

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As hard of a time as Liz had during her toxic relationship with the reality TV villain, she also had issues during the breakup.

"I struggled a lot when we broke up," Liz shared.

She added: "I went through a really bad depression stage."

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Apparently, what drew them back together was the tragic death of Teddy, Big Ed’s dog.

Liz reached out to him to offer words of comfort even though they were exes.

Slowly but surely, that reconnection strengthened until Ed invited Liz over for dinner and asked a very important question.

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"The question was, ‘Am I your forever?’ And she said yes," Ed shared.

"And she ended up leaving for work," he described.

"And I did a beeline to the jewelry store," Ed said, "and bought the biggest diamond I could find."

Big Ed Brown Speaks to the The Single Life Confessional Camera

Yes, it really did happen that quickly.

"Back together on Saturday, engaged on Sunday!" Liz acknowledged.

Well that certainly is … profoundly messy.

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Big Ed finally confirmed that The Single Life will show us some of this ill-advised whirlwind romance.

"You’re going to have to tune in to see what happened," he teased.

"But," Ed claimed, "it turned out to be a beautiful moment."

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Ed alleged that they had kept the proposal under wraps so that they could "enjoy that moment."

First of all, why was he blabbing about it to people in late August?

Second of all … is it a coincidence that the "moment" passed just days before the season premiere? Of course not.

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"I couldn’t be happier," Ed gushed.

"I know in my heart that she’s my forever," he said, "and that’s all I need to know."

Ed expressed: "I don’t want to be with anybody else, I don’t want to think about anybody else."

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Though they rushed at breakneck speed to get back together, they’re taking their sweet time when it comes to the actual wedding.

"We have a lot on our plate right now, so trying to think about a wedding is really hard," she shared

Liz added: "But we’re in the works, discussing it and moving forward with our plans."

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To add to the chaos, Liz’s ex, Saied Camacho, had a lot to say about Liz.

He said that she was obsessed with fame, and claimed that she lived with him for six months amidst her split from Big Ed.

Saied also alleged that Liz begged him to propose to him.

Big Ed Brown at the Tell All

Anyone can say things like that, especially about a newly famous ex.

Liz has denied Saied’s claims and described him as abusive — not her first time referring to her ex as violent.

Liz posted a throwback photo of her injured face, warning Saied that she is no longer afraid of him.

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We are certainly glad that Liz is no longer in a physically abusive relationship.

But the emotional and verbal abuse that Big Ed put her through is impossible for viewers to forget.

Big Ed is creepy enough that he has been nicknamed Big Pred. We’d love to believe that he’s magically become a better person, but it feels unlikely.