As the very popular governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer is known as "Big Gretch."
And Big Gretch?
She has a big problem with something a senior White House advisor just said about her.

First, some background:
On Sunday evening, the Department of Health and Human Services issued several new restrictions in Michigan, amid an ongoing outbreak of the coronavirus in this state.
Referred to as a “targeted approach" by Whitmer, these new rules go into effect on Wednesday and include:
Michigan high schools and colleges halting in-person classes… restaurants stopping indoor dining… entertainment businesses — such as casinos, movie theaters and bowling alleys — closing for three weeks.

In response to these common sense guidelines, White House official Scott Atlas spoke out out against Whitmer’s orders, telling people on Twitter to "rise up" against them.
Did we mention that Atlas is a doctor?
And is considered the the leading medical "expert" on whom President Trump relies for advice?
And also that 14 men were arrested just a few weeks ago for a plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer and possibly execute her because they were angry over Covid-related restrictions?

In his Tweet, Atlas criticized Whitmer’s orders by writing:
"The only way this stops is if people rise up. You get what you accept."
Not much room for nuance there, is there?
And yet Atlas did try to walk back this wildly irresponsible message by later adding:
"Hey. I NEVER was talking at all about violence. People vote, people peacefully protest. NEVER would I endorse or incite violence. NEVER!!"

Speaking to CBS News in the wake of her state’s updated order and the above doctor’s insane reply to them, Whitmer said:
"It’s just incredibly reckless considering everything that has happened, everything that is going on.
"We really all need to be focused on the public health crisis that is ravaging our country and that poses a very real threat to every one of us."

Michigan’s seven-day average of daily new cases has more than doubled, from 3,113 to 6,684, over two weeks.
It is up nearly five-fold from 30 days ago.
Daily deaths also have surged, from 25 to 62, according to The COVID Tracking Project.
The number of patients currently hospitalized, about 3,000, has risen six-fold in under two months.

At a press conference earlier this year, President-Elect Joe Biden (who has absolutely won the 2020 election… even according to Donald Trump) even commented on Atlas’ "rise up" remark.
He did so succinctly.
And he did so while clearly addressing Donald Trump and all the other Republicans who refuse to acknowledge the reality of this pandemic and all the damage it continues to do.
"What the hell is the matter with these guys?" Biden asked.

If only we knew, Joe.
In related news, Matt Maddock, Republican member of the Michigan House of Representatives, called for impeachment hearings for Governor Whitmer on Saturday, writing like a moron;
"Today, myself and a growing list of Michigan Legislators have decided that @GovWhitmer has crossed the line and will be calling for #ImpeachWhitmer hearings.
"The list of violations is long and the call is overdue #MIGOP #MILEG."

Said Whitmer’s office in response:
Governor Whitmer doesn’t have any time for partisan politics or people who don’t wear masks, don’t believe in science, and don’t have a plan to fight this virus.
Right now, she is focused on saving lives.
The governor will continue to work hard for all 10 million Michiganders. This is about Michigan vs. COVID-19. Governor Whitmer doesn’t care if you’re a Trump Republican or a Biden Democrat.
We are all in this together.