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Audrey Roloff is very much like millions of other Americans right now.

She sees the protests taking place across the country.

She notes the civil unrest and the racial divisions and even a President of the United States who doesn’t seem interested in bringing anyone together.

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And the former reality star wants you to know that she understands; that she can relate.

She just wrote a lengthy Instagram post about the scary situation in which we’re all residing right now. It opens as follows:

If you have also found yourself stumbling for the right words….feeling like you should shut up and speak out at the some time.

If you also feel like you have to say something but every time you try, your words feel meaningless and dull… and then you feel stupid for making it about yourself…

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Audrey — who starred for years on Little People, Big World — is, of course, referring to the upheaveal that has sprung up around the death of George Floyd.

The Minnesota resident was killed last month because a police officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes.

In response, protests have been organized in all 50 states to fight back against police brutality and racial injustice.

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Continued Roloff in her post:

If you also feel heartbroken over the current reality of evil, injustice, and hate, in our country, and also saddened by the realization that this is not a new reality…

If you also feel humbled and heart-ached by your own past ignorance and complacency when these events are not viral news.

If you also feel a sudden burden to intercede, but are struggling to discern what’s helpful from what’s hurtful…. this liturgy has given me the words to pray as I ask God to align my heart with His.

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And, with that, Audrey went ahead and shared, including with her passage the hashtag #georgefloyd and a number of prayer-hand emojis.

Tune my thoughts, ⁣⁣my words,⁣⁣ my empthanies⁣⁣ to articulate your greater heart, your deeper purposes.

I yield to your intentions, even unto the breaking of my own heart for that which breaks yours.

Through me O God may it please you to bring forth effective petition for the one whose condition has so moved your heart that you have now moved mine, calling me fervent to prayer— ⁣⁣to cry out for,⁣⁣ to contend,⁣⁣ to do battle— ⁣⁣on their behalf….

So let my compassion always be active, and my heart sensitive to your movements, your promoting, your revelation.

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Over the past few days, celebrities everywhere have either marched alongside protestors, given money to organizations that support causes related to this issue and/or issued powerful statements.

As she so often does, Audrey said she’s been turning to her faith amid this confusing and frightening time.

"If you are also struggling to figure what God requires of you in this moment, remember the words from Micah 6:8," she writes here.

"DO justice. Love kindness. And walk HUMBLY with your God."

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Not everyone out there is a religious person, of course.

But focus on justice? On love? On kindness?

These are values we hope everyone holds dear.

Please continue to stay safe out there, everyone, and please continue to, if nothing else, at least listen to one another.